Wednesday 4 July 2012

Wed 4th July Latest Art Independence day for some. Dependence day for me!

So my brothers and sisters. This is the latest of Peter G Kimbles
Phenomenological art, which after God and me, now you are the first to see.    
I sometimes enjoy the painting more then the result. Other times I enjoy the result more, whilst still wet. Yet not as much once it is dry! Other times I hate it all. My art, myself, my ego, my universe. My My My. Can you tell I am joking? Conceit is not a treat for me, it a thing on par with a lie. Best to be weaseled out, so as to have a clean slate.

Oh yes, I mentioned Independence day in the title. Well I do depend or in fact inter-depend on there being a God that is although way beyond my understanding still also for some way still in it. Does that make sense?
   I am not being flippant when I say that I saw an interview with Christopher Hitchens on Youtube where he said that God doesnt exist. Well sad to say, said is the right tense as Christopher Hitchens doesnt exist. Or does he? I can imagine in Heaven, Tommy Cooper say to a load of angels. Look at this. Beaker, glass. Glass, beaker. He lifts the beaker and there is Hitchens, so says Tommy Hitchens beaker, beaker, Hitchens. Putting once again the beaker down on Hitchens. So finally he says, with his Ho Ho Ho, Beaker, glass, glass, beaker. Of course now there is no Hitchens.  Or is there!
Anyway its been a long day for me and I am taking my mother to church in the morning, which I also done this afternoon. Then I have to go to the hospital with an injection of Interferon. Then in the evening my sister is coming, as I have an art therapy session with Kate my forensic art therapist on Friday. No rest for those of us working at being Saints!     
So now as I am not drinking intoxicating liquor, I shall have an apple juice in celebration of the discovery of the Higgs Boson.

 Thats almost it for today my brothers and sisters. I shall though leave you with two Watchman Nee quotes.

And it is through conflict that God induces the believer to seek and to grasp the total triumph in Christ.

The sight of any trouble strikes terror into the heart of those who do not have faith, but those who trust Him say, "Here comes my food.".

Fair well and know that you are loved. Your brother Peter.

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