Saturday 18 February 2012

Art from; visit to Turvey monastery, my painting yesterday and photo of found object.



Good day and blessings to you. Directly above is a pollystiryne (I find it incredulous that my spell check didnt pick up on that word! I spelt it wrong on purpose.) sandel. So its a found object art peace.` Lone sandel & leaves ` I really like the shape of it. I left it where it was. If there had been two, then I would have bought them to the apartment. It is interesting for a brief moment to wonder if anyone else saw it not as just, One discarded sandel, but a white footshaped object resting on fallen leaves metamorphousing into art!   I think this photo is called `Restful`
My eldest, Joshua is still with my eldest sister Vivienne and her partner Di. Its so good that they can encourage his non military interests, like bird watching, nature and art.
I shall be picking Harry up in an hour and a half to go for the communion service at All Saints church, here in Luton. Following is the first two paragraphs from chapter two, of  her book, Entering The Castle by CarolineMyss.
                       READYING THE SOUL   
             THE SOUL HAS BEEN DESCRIBED in beautiful metaphors throughout world literature. Dame Julian of Norwich, an English mystic, wrote that God opened her inner eye and showed her her soul in the middle of her heart: "as large as an infinite world and like a blessed kingdom ... a glorious city. "Like Teresa of Avila, Dame Julian saw God within the center of her soul, which for us and for God is a place of peace and rest. Rumi saw the soul as having many aspects, in one poem calling it a strange tree that sometimes grows an apple and sometimes a pumpkin, sometimes causing trouble and sometimes remedying it. He wrote that the soul can be like a honey balm that restores our health or it can be restless like a tiger; sometimes the soul can help the heart grow a greater understanding, and sometimes it overturns everything we think we understand.
  The origins of the word soul may lie in the Middle English soule,from the Old English sawol, or the Old High German seula, which all hold that the soul is our nonphysical essence. Its sacredness and connection to God are widely accepted by theologians as well as psychologists. Jung, for instance, wrote that the soul is "an entity endowed withe the consciousness of its relationship to deity."

                                  Now a prayer

Prayer for the acceptance of God`s will
O Lord, I know not what to ask of thee. Thou alone knowest what are my true needs. Thou lovest me more than I myself know how to love. Help me to see my real needs which are concealed from me. I dare not ask either a cross or consolation. I can only wait on thee. My heart is open to thee. Visit and help me, for thy great mercy`s sake. Strike me and heal me, cast me down and raise me up. I worship in silence the holy will and thine inscrutable ways. I offer myself a a sacrifice to thee. I put all my trust in thee. I have no other desire than to fulfil thy will. Teach me how to pray. Pray thou thyself in me. Amen.
                           METROPOLITAN PHILARET OF MOSCOW

                        So my brothers and sisters, the sun is coming up and I must focus on getting ready for church. This will be partly done not only with prayer, but also with reflection on some more of from chapter two of the Caroline Myss book. I do hope that you all have a good day and know that you are loved.
Bless you. Peter.          

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