Saturday 18 February 2012

Stephen Baldwin, I am second from you tube. plus a bit from yours truly.

And also our good Lord showed, that it is full great pleasure to him that a simple soul come to him naked, plainly and homely. For this is the natural dwelling of the soul by the touchingof the Holy Ghost, as by the understanding I have in this showing.
God of thy goodness give me thyself, for thou art enough for me; and I may ask nothing that is less, that may full worship of thee; and if I ask any thing that is less, ever me wanteth. But only in thee I have all.
And these words of the goodness of God be full lovesome to the soul, and full near touching the will of our Lord; for his goodness fulfilleth all his creatures, and all his blessed works without end. For he is the endless head, and he made us only for himself; and restored us by his precious Passion, and keepeth us in his blessed love; and all this is of his goodness.
                                           JULIAN OF NORWICH
Well my brothers and sisters. I shall be going shortly to pick up my son Harry and take him to the pictures, if that is what he wants to do. His brother Joshua has gone with his auntie Viv to stay with her and his auntie Di for a few days. Its good for him to get away from his computer war games for a bit and he is a keen bird watcher when given the opportunity.
Viv said that `Big Red` is a good film if it is on at our cinima, so we shall see.

I recall how glad Joshua was yesterday at the monastery to help brother Herbert, who is 91, wash their car! Children will grow up as wonderfully intergrated beings in this universe if given the opportunities to flourish.  I am off to have a quick cup of coffee and then pick Harry, up. Ttfn Peter. 

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