Good day to the selected, but cherished few that visit my blog. Well the snow reminds us Christmas here. Of course there wasn't any snow in Bethlehem. Well as I was thinking some good thoughts, I pondered if the three wise men could have be Zoroastrians. Do you know, when I put that in the search engine; low and behold others have wondered the same. If there was a Zoroastrian place of worship within a few miles I`d have gone and enquired as to what they thought about it. Of course they may be like Christians and some are very open minded and some narrow! At our church, which is called All Saints I believe we are open to the whole gambit and of course are able to change our views. Then again Luton is such a multi cultural town. You can of course find barrow loads of Churches here, of all different denominations. A handful of Mosques, Hindu temples, a synagogue. There`s a Chinese temple in a house across the road. That's an obscure religion which I cant recall. Not Taoist. Anyway, my point is, in Luton as in the UK generally, we welcome all. In general most are good spiritual people. Or at least that's what we go to our respective places of worship to work at becoming. I remember on a course I attended at a church in the Philippines, the leader said, "It no good saying you believe there is a God, even Satan believe God exists. You must pledge yourself to follow Jesus!"
Well I do. Sometimes I fail and fall. Picking myself up though, or even being given a helping hand, I carrying on with my cross. I did think sometime ago, how come if God came to earth in Jesus and took my wrongdoings upon the cross, how come bad stuff still happens to me. Then I worked it out. Nothing is bad if I no longer live, but Jesus lives in me. Why? Because even if evil is done to me and I say `Father forgive them for they know not what they do", Then that affords me some grace which is good for the soul.
I have met some quite dispicable people over the years. From Ian Brady and the Kray twins here, to a corrupt policeman and his hired killers in the third world. I have met some very saintly people. Yet I have not yet met a human being who I could say is always either 100% good, or bad. I should relish meeting the good one, but would hope to be able to flee in terror at the evil one. I am not saying there arent those who are totally evil through and throught to the very core, but by Gods grace I havent come across their path. How dear it would be to be in the company of one so holy I should want to follow them around as a disciple. Well I guess and this is where the salvation army are onto a winner, I can. Jesus said however you treat the least of my people you treat me. So If I not only am good to those in need, but remember to pray as much as I can and there are so many ways to pray, then hopefully I will shake of the old man and Christ can live in me. The power of prayer is my sledge hammer with which I beat down the ego, when it tells me to seek revenge on those who have lied and stolen from me. The Holy spirit says, `Peter, my child you cannto say you have given your life to follow Jesus and then believe you have ownership over eathly possesions. Your very soul belongs to god in Heaven, your body is here to do His bidding on earth. If I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, then I must pray for those I come across who dont choose yet to follow the path to salvation. My one little prayer for them may make the difference to them done the line. People didnt give up on me when I was in approved school, then borstal, prison and finally Broadmoor. Nor when my darling Tracy died and the police arrested me and put me on trial at the Old Bailey. So if I can get stabbed in the Philippines whilst fighting of thugs trying to kill me, then pray for them, I can let go of bad feelings for people who pretend to be friends and then steal from me. The sad thing is, I dont really own one grain of rice, its all Gods. How about I end this fish on Friday with some scripture from the Holy Bible.
...God`s grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race and taught us that what we have to do is to give up everything that does not led to God, and all our worldly ambitions; we must be self-restrained and live good and religious lives here in this present world, while we are waiting in hope for the blessing which will come with the Appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour Christ Jesus. (Titus 2:11-13)
So this is your brother Peter wishing you peace and love in the name of Jesus and all the saints.
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