Saturday, 17 December 2011

Sunday. A moment of contemplation and am recovering from stinking cold. So to healing.

Good day to you my few but cherished brother and sisters. I was laid low with a rotten cold yesterday, that went on my chest and so didnt fell well enough to blog. So how about I now share some more from The Seventh Mansion. I hope this for you is as powerful as it is for me. A little aside. Someone once said, `if the only prayer you ever say is, thank you Jesus, that will be enough.` When I do that prayer it makes me think of all the things I am thanking him for. Taking on human form. Healing people. Dying for us and then overcoming death. Preparing a place for us to go home after this brief time on earth. Sending the Holy Spirit to be our comfort.
A Moment of Contemplation
Even in the Seventh Mansion, where Teresa merges with God, she encourages us to remain introspective and humble at all times. This is so that, when you are given - or graced with - higher truths, you will be ready to utilize them. You must be willing and prepared to use truth, not just to speak about it, Truth is a tool, a force through which you move life forward, When you go from not knowing that thoughts and attitudes influence your reality to knowing it, you are being given the grace of truth. You must change you life and live according to that truth. You cannot do otherwise. An instinctual gut reaction is guidance, truth from God. You may want to dismiss that guidance because it is too overwhelming and you do not want to become aware of that particular truth, but you cannot deny that you are aware of your guidance. You can no longer deny that you hear the voice of God.
A genuine healing of the body, the heart, and the soul is fundamentally a mystical experience. Besides searching for the meaning and purpose of our lives, we strive to solve the mysteries of our psychic imbalances and physical illnesses. Yet, these days, the need to find the root cause, or reason, for why we break down has become so obsessive that it is a pathology unto itself.
During the years that I gave medical intuitive readings, the people I was trying to help frequently turned their readings into "crime solving" sessions-they were looking for the person or situation that caused the stress or unhappiness that led to their illness or depression or other condition. Many seemed to think that finding this criminal stressor would automatically result in a healing.
Crime solving and witch hunts do not heal, as many people eventually discover. Forgiveness is what heals, not discovering causes, not assigning blame. A genuine healing does not occur in the domain of reason and rational thought. The mind is not an instrument capable of healing the body, much less the heart or the soul. For most people, the mind is full of hissing reptiles that can hardly be silenced-fears, illusions, misgivings, endless anxieties, and misinterpretations of what people have said or done to them. Yet people think this chaotic instrument called the mind has the stamina and focus to dissolve cancer in the cell tissue and stabilize all the systems of the body. Hardly.
Healing is not a rational experience that can be brought about by simply visualizing healthy cells running through your body and replacing malignant ones while the rest of you lives a life so filled with fear that you are unable to make the essential choices you need to in order to release you soul to take over. Unless you are willing to let your soul fully take charge without any conditions, you will never completely heal.
Genuine healing is not physical. It is greater than your rational mind. Indeed, you have to transcend the boundaries and the reptiles of your rational mind to open yourself to the grace that can dissolve illness. During the mystical experience of a healing, your soul becomes more empowered than your body mind, and heart. It frees itself from the ground rules governing you physical body and your physical life. Your soul becomes more empowered than your body when you truly, deeply, unconditionally surrender the whole of your life to the divine-including your need to know what will happen next and whether you are going to be safe and healthy. You need literally or symbolically to get on your knees in a position of humility and break down or break through the control that reason holds over you. Finally, you do the most unreasonable act imaginable-you trust an invisible force much greater than yourself to reorder the whole of your life. Let God clean house for you. The prayer, "Lord, get me out of my own way," helps many people who want so much to be able to surrender in trust, but cannot do it. Then you say, "I let go and let God."
I remember when I must of been around nine or ten years old. I went to our Church, Christ Church, here in Luton. It was not during a time for service and so I hadn't expected to see anyone. I don't know why. I suppose I wouldn't have been surprised to see the vicar. Anyway, what I saw was a stranger lying arms outstretched on the floor. Completely still and in silence. Here was there motionless for ages. Back then I thought the man a bit strange and hoped (cant remember if I prayed!) that he wouldn't suddenly notice me. Now around forty odd years later, I get it.
I can myself get down on the ground and in a position of complete surrender make myself a living cross for prayer.
Its coming up to 8am now and I shall make a coffee and wake my son up, who stayed overnight and then we can take Buster the German Sheppard out in the wintry wood, behind these apartments.
May the power of Love, which my name for is God, be with you today and always. Please pray for the lost ones who have recently stolen from me, to be kept away from my refuge here.
Blessings love and peace be upon you. Your brother Peter

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