Wednesday 28 December 2011

Under the ground of my photo is Munchs Maddona

I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all I love you all

I do hope that we all have a productive and loving day. That we find time to step out of our own concerns and give prayer, or thought for others. We are all connected, whether we realize it yet or not. The Buddha realized it and became One with the universe. Jesus realized it and wept for us, before his journey to the cross.


          DO GOOD ACTIONS     and love everybody

Good day my brothers and sisters. The above is the painting mentioned in the title. At the top is a photo I took whilst exercising the Buster between eight and nine am.

                        IN THE MORNING

    In the morning we remember God as the origin and goal of our life, something sacred which we have been given to live; we need time to ponder on the meaning of life, something which we can only explore one day at a time, constantly returning to God, the source of life and of our hopes for fulfilment. to expore the meaning of life is to begin a journey in search of God.
     These prayers are dominated by the image of light: we cannot live without it. The light of the sun is an image of Jesus Christ who rised in our hearts and minds, and gives warmth as well as light. The created world reflects the glory of God who remains invisible, at the heart of creation. The sight of the things God has made shoud turn us inwards to look for the source of thier beauty and energy.

O God, creator of light, at the rising of your sun this morning, let the greatest of all lights, your love, rise like the sun within our hearts.      Amenian Church.

O Lord, when I awake and day begins,
Waken me to your presence,
Waken me to your indwelling,
Waken me to inward sight of you, 
and speech with you and strength with you,
that all my earthly walk may waken into joy
and my spirit leap up to you all day all ways.
                                        E. Milner-White

Eternal Father of my Soul,
Let my first thought today be of you,
let my first impulse be to worship you,
let my first speech be your name,
let my first action bet to kneel before you in prayer.
                                                     John Baillie

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