Thursday, 29 December 2011

Merry Christmass. Jesus wept and so did eye. God I am happy.

The above is a triptych which I painted yesterday. Done on some canvases which were a present. Also got some paint. Buster got quite a few treats also.

One of my favourite presents was a book, The Inner Life, by Thomas a Kempis. I was going to say that I have almost finished it. No, that's not the case. I have almost read it through for the first time. Here is a short piece, which I would like to share with you. Also I shall spend a long time today praying it and meditating on it, one word at a time.

   ` O most blessed grace, that makes the poor in spirit rich in virtues, and the richly blessed humble in heart! Come, descend on me! Fill me with your comfort, lest my soul faint from weariness and dryness of mind. I pray, Lord, that I may find favour in Your sight, for Your grace is sufficient for me, even if I obtain none of those things that nature desires. However often I am tempted and troubled, I will fear no evil so long as Your grace remains with me.`

Well my brothers and sisters, may the love of God which passeth all understanding, be with you now and always.

Peace and love to you from, your brother Peter

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