Like the picture yesterday its almost as if its been shot in black and white. It hasn't. The other thing that I wanted to share was the way the branches of these trees bent all over the place and yet also appeared to be trying to touch each other. So now we have the bleak mid winter. A time for some - including me - to be stiller and reflect on the past year and look forward to the coming one.
The fish on friday bit.
From Entering The Castle by Caroline Myss
Here is a healing prayer for you:
I am in need of healing and I release the way of my healing path into your care. I know that I am graced by a miracle because all who ask for your intervention are received. I am grateful for my healing. I believe in the grace of miracles. I know all can be healed and that all of life is your creation and in your care. My jov is to trust and to follow the guidance of my self within the text of each day. In this way , I serve a lifestyle of miracles. Where healing is needed, let that grace flow abundantly and let me serve that and let me be served by that. As the mystic Julian of Norwich wrote, "All will be and all will be well and all manner of things will be well."
You Are a Container for God in This World
Whenever societies have cycled through crises, mystics have arisen to address them. Like hidden angels of the divine, the emerge in eviry walk of life. Today, mystics without monasteries are wives and mothers, husbands and fathers, teachers and lawers, bankers and docters, soldiers and policemen, therapists and writers, social workes and salespeople. They are everywhere.
Mystics salvage the good of one culture and carry those treasures into the birth of the next. Mystics are not silent containers of God, make no mistake. Many are the loudest noisemakers. They wrestle with the great questions of life and death. They remind a people and a society of its principles and its vision. They inspire others through their example of living in accordance with their souls` direction, through their intensity and clear sightedness. Mystics recognize the signs that a society`s soul is starving and has gone unconscious.
Mystics have the courage to see through common fears. They see beyoud calls for destruction and violence as means for solving problems. They see the contradictions in others` statements-for instance, that war creates peace.
The one great difference between Teresa`s (Teresa of Avila) time and ours is that God`s new mystics are everywhere. And the new mystic should rightly be called a mystical activist.
Yet the journey itself has not changed. There is no shortcut to God. Centuries may have passed since Teresa wrote her masterpiece, but her genius, wisdom, and guidance are as valuable today as in the sixteenth century.
To be continued..............
I must go and pick my boys up now and do some shopping for presents. May the love of God be with you and shine through you to bless all. Your bro Peter
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