Doing this `Peace` of art helped me to realize that LOVE can be so great that we can only experience a small portion. Just think that thats why it says in The Bible, ` the love of God which passes all understanding.`
Be loyal to Christ by your love for the blessed Sacrament. Faith taught Thomas to behold in the Sacred Host Him who said, "This is My Body!" It was, therefore, his greatest delight and duty to attend the holy Sacrifice daily, to serve the priests of Christ, his greatest delight and duty to attend the holy Sacrifice daily, to serve the priests of Christ, and to recieve Christ in Holy communion, can this also be said of us?
The following is by Ernest Holmes
The law of life operates upon the images of your thought. If your thought is restricted and unhappy, you will be causing It to create restricting and unhappy circumstances. Only a two inch stream of water can flow out of a two inch pipe. A gallon measure will hold but four quarts. This would be true even though you dipped your measure into the ocean. You are not limiting the ocean nor causing it to be evil because you dip up four quarts instead of a barrel. The ocean has no desire to limit you. In a personal sense, it can only give you what you take, for your taking is its givingness in the form of your taking. This is one of the greatest lessons of life. "It is done unto you as you believe."
The law of life is like a mirror. It reflects back to you the images of your thoughts in exactly the way you think them. ( this reminds me of the little mantra I came up with to sometimes go over either in my mind or out loud; " I`m healthy wealthy wise, I am love encarnate") You cannot say that It is little or that It gives you but a small portion of Itself when you own thought patterns are limiting this gift. Life has already delivered everything It has to you. But your personal experience even that which it has given must, of a necessity, be limited to that which you take.
It is then, of greatest value to learn how to receive more abundantly. Just as one studying the piano patiently goes over his lessons until finally his action becomes automatic, so in using the Life Principle you must be patient with yourself. You must learn to strike the right chord. The right chord is always one of harmony.
Learn to receive more by daily practicing
the presence of Abundance.
Learn to use the Law of Life in a more ex-
pansive manner by daily practicing belief
in it.
At first this may sound strange because proberbly you will say, "I already believe in it." Remember, your belief in It is perhaps somewhat limited by your experience. And so -
You are practicing a greater expectation.
You are believing in more and accepting,
You are opening every channel of your mind
to a larger influx.
Peace and goodwill to you my brothers and sisters. Please pass it on.
Peter and Buster are off to save the day. ttfn
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