Friday 11 May 2012

Fish on Friday and Art Therapy

Good day my brothers and sisters. I am sharing with you the contrast of what was if not my very first artwork at my forensic art sessions then one of them, which was trying to say something, but couldnt be understood.  And now, today I am tempting to call this painting which was still wet when photographed, not two hours ago, ` Florishing`. Its alive with colour and movement and growth!

In one photo you can see the hand that did the work. Then in the one beneath some of the finger marks of said hand.  

There is so much going on in this little `Peace`
alone. Showing me, with a white stick prepared
to beat away any adversity.

 This is one photo from the big picture which needs to be seen with more.
 Are there bits of us which others see like this. They dont get the big picture, not about us, or them, but  about everything!

Lets trust the world to take on more of what we are and let go of some of that which we hold back!

The fish on friday `peace` is brought to us by Blaise Pascal.

                                                              THE WAGER
Either God exists or he does not exist. But which view should be taken? Reason cannot answer this question. Imagine a coin is being spun which will come down heads or tails; how will you wager? Since a choice must be made, let us see where your real interest lies. You have two things at stake: truth and happiness. What is the gain and the loss if you call heads, that God exists. If you win, you win everything; if you lost, you lose nothing. A gambler, wher there is and equal chance of gain or loss, would place a bet if the possible gain  was twice the possible loss. But here the possible gain is infinite, and the possible loss nothing. Every gambler takes a certain risk for uncertain gain. Here you are taking a certain risk with the prospect either of infinate gain if you win, or no loss if you lose.

                                              THE TRUTH OF RELIGION 
Many people despise religeon. They hate it and are agraid that it may be true. The cure for this is first to show that religion does not conflict with reason, but deserves our respect. Then we should make it attractive, so that good people wish that it were true. Finally we should demonstrate that it penetrates the deepest mysteries of the human conditon.

                                                     FAITH AND PROOF
Faith is different from proof. Proof is human, whereas faith is a gift from God. The apostle Paul says, "The just shall live by faith." This is the faith that God himself puts into our hearts, often using proof as the instument. The apostle Paul also says, "Faith comes from hearing." This faith in our hearts does not make us say, "I know;" it makes us proclaim, "I believe."

Have both a good day and a good weekend my brothers and sisters. Know that you are loved and if you can pass it on, even if in only good thoughts, then you will be blessed. Good words and deeds bring greater blessings. To us all let there be love and forgiveness.

Your brother Peter G Kimble  


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