Wednesday 23 May 2012

Good day the birds are singing and I have to go and collect library book.

Hoping that you are all fine and in good spirits.

                                   You got a bone to pick with me then go ahead and pick it.

This one above is laying on its side, or is it? Once again its up to you to decide, or!


The painting immediately above, was a random selection and is not the right way round, or dry. Is it even finished! Well as none of you - all though this isnt a criticism and I do appreciate you logging on - have as yet had any imput into my work, its all left up to me and God! And you would think that would be enough; except I am trying to enjoin you in the body of Christ so we dont all have to think of ourselves as individuals.
Okey dokey, I am off to the public library to pick up there copy of the book MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, then I can give our curate her copy back. Oh its by Oswald Chambers if you are interested.

Maybe I can blog later with some humour. What, that wasnt the humour I hear one of you say. Well if I can laugh at myself, then I am sure glad if you can.  Laughter clubs shouldnt be just in india. The world needs some laughter flash mobs. The buck stops here. I will be doing some performance art laughter flash mob `Peaces` outside  embassies in London this summer and handing out flowers to all and sundry. Are you with me! then you better agree on a date and let me know, or I shall be a mob of one. Doesnt really work that one does it.  Lets not re hash the 60`s but be inclusive of the old the young the short and the tall, Disabled,  Blacks whites rainbow coloured people. Lesbians & Gays, heterosexuals and celebates; so that can include me. If it doesnt include you then I respect you wish not to be on a list. Some lists are terrible, like the ones politicians have, spit.

Stop press.
Heard the postman coming up the stairs just this minute and as Buster (the German Shepard) has moved out I rushed to the door barking. That gave us both me and the postman a laugh.
I am crying now though as I read the card with a picture of Victoria falls on one side and this message on  t`other; Harry has completed a fantastic assignment on Australian bush fires - lots of great detail included! Well done Harry. Mrs Langston.  Yep thats my boy Harry, a bonus to the universe.

Toodle pip my brothers and sisters. Yours even after the cows have come home, Peter G Kimble


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