Saturday 5 May 2012

Saturday and didnt manage to film the fox.

Loving you all and the whole universe and beyond!

Good day my brothers and sisters. I went over the park this morning at 5am and sat on a bench. Whilst in contemplation a fox came by not ten yards away. Upon noticing me it went off again, but not in an undue hurry. I sat still and was thankful for those moments.

Looking forward a few days I would share with you:

May 8  ST ARSENIUS THE GREAT c. 354-449 (yep he lived a good while!)

Born in Rome, well-educated and of senatorial rank, he was the first tutor to the children of the Emperor Theodosius I. In 394 he left the palace secretly, to become a  monk in Egypt, where he was renowned for his austerity, silence and intense prayer. The following stories come from the Sayings of the Desert Fathers.

While still living in the palace, Abba Arsenius prayed to God: `Lord, lead me in the way of salvation.` And a voice came to him, saying:`Arsenius, flee from men, and you will be saved.` After withdrawing into the solitary life he made the same prayer again, and he heard a voice saying to him: `Arsenius, flee, keep silent, be still; for these are the roots of sinlessness.`
  Abba Mark said to Abba Arsenius, `Why do you flee from us?` The old man said to him, `God knows that  I love you; but I cannot be both with God and with men. The thosands and ten thousands of the heavenly hosts have one single will, but men have many. So I cannot leave God to be with men.
  Abba Arseius used to say that one hour`s sleep is enoght for a monk if he is a fighter.
  A brother came to the cell of Abba Arseius at Scetis. Looking though the window he saw the old man entirely as a flame; for the brother was worthy to see this. When he knocked, the old man came out and saw the brother bewildered. `Have you been knocking for long?` Arsenius asked him. ¬you didn`t see anything here, did you?` `No,` said the brother. And, after talking to him, Arsenius sent him away.
  They also said of him that on Saturday evening, preparing for the start of Sunday, he turned his back on the setting sun and lifted his hands to heaven in prayer; and so remained until the rising sun shone in his face. Then he sat down.
  Once a senator`s will was brought to Abba Arsenius, leaving him a great inheritance. But he refused to accept it, saying, `I died before he did.`

I am so aware my few brothers and sisters who look at my blogs, how unable I am to bring you all that I would like, but have not been blessed with neither the skills nor the help of an able person. This is not a thing I can pray for. I must pray first for Gods love to be past through me to any souls, human and all creatures feeling tormented be it with physical pain or wretchedness of heart. For that baby human or otherwise, abandoned to fate by its mother; through death or happenstance.

I pray for the seas and the forests that team with life, but each year are more and more encroached upon by the stupidity of people in power or need.

I pray for myself to have my own needs diminished so I am able to fulfil more the needs of others.

I pray for you most of all my brothers and sisters that you are able to find the love and contentment, in being still and knowing love.  

Blessings and Peace.
Brother Peter.

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