Wednesday 2 May 2012

Good day and Love and Peace to all beings.

Good day my brothers and sisters. I have just been copying out the reading I read today so as to share the joy it gave me, when I somehow hit a wrong key and it all dissapeared. So now I think, do I copy it all out again; this time saving it every half dozen lines or so, or give up for today.

Well those who know me know that the latter is not going to happen.

This morning, about 5.45 after having a shower to freshen up I went over the park and woods with the camera and took some photos. Alas the batteries have run out and so I shant be able to share them with you. Nor the painting I did this morning!

 Patience is a virtue though. I had a phone call from my eldest son not forty minutes ago, ask if he could walk down here after school and do his homework on the computer. Of course I said yes. In a hour or so I shall trundle down into the town and puruse the state of my bank account. I fancy getting some fruit to make us a mixed fruit salad with our tea. So God and finances willing I will also buy some new batteries! I miss the fruit salads we would sometimes have for breakfast in the Philippines. Our helper Gaga, or a nephew or brother in law, Dante, would climb up the coconut tree in our garden and get a couple of green coconuts. This flesh would be soft and sweet. Mixed with chopped up mango, banana and avocado would make a splended breakfast!

Sun, light and heat

One of the comparisons or likenesses I am speaking of is taken from the most glorious object which our eyes see, the sun. That ball of light and heat, which we call most properly the Sun, may be compared to the Father, from whom both the Word and the Spirit come. From this sun the light issues, and is as it were a part of it, and yet comes down to our earth and gives light to us. This we may compare to the Word, who came forth

from the Father, and came down on earth, and was made man, and who, as St John tells us, is `the true light, which lighteth ever man that cometh into the world`. But beside this there is the heat, which is a different thin from the light: for we all know, there may be heat without light: and so may there be light without heat. Yet the two are blended and united in the sun; so that the same rays, which bring us light to enlighten us, bring us heat also to warm us, and to ripen the fruits and herbs of all kinds which the earth bears. This heat of the sun may not unfitly be campared to the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Givir of life, as the Creed calls him, for heat is the great fosterer of life: as we see, for example, in an egg. As that is hatched by the warmth of the parent bird, witting on it lovingly, and brooding over it, until it is quichened into life; just so does the Holy Spirit of God brood with more than dove-like patience over the heart of the belienver, giving it life and warmth; and still hovers round our hearts, desiring to return to them, and to dwell in them, and cherish them for ever. Moreover, if any seed of the Word has begut to spring up in any heart, the Spirit descends like a sunbeam upon it, and ripens the ear, and brings the fruit to perfection. Thus have we first the sun in the sky, secondly, the light, which issues from the sun, and thirdly, the heat, which accompanies the light - three separate and distinguishable things; yet distinct as they are, what can be more united that the sun and its rays, or that the light and heat which those rays shed abroad?
                                                                                           AUGUSTUS WILLIAM HARE

So finally I have the pictures I took this morning to share with you. Oh and there is one that I took yesterday of my brothers dog, who is a dear thing. Not as in rain!

Those of you who are begining to know me, will know I am starting to get into and like a bit of reflection. So there is some reflection in the water on the log above. Then at the top is the photo of the dog, which is for me to reflect on my missing the company of my companion Buster. Seize the day though aye! Lets bound forth into this wonderful new time filled with the spirit of joy and hope.
ttfn my fellow immortal spiritual beings. To those of you as yet unrealised, be patient as your time will come. Love to all living things. Brother Peter.

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