Tuesday 22 May 2012

Good evening & been doing so much art got to share some more with you.

Hi there. Have you ever heard anyone say that if you cant laugh at yourself then something is wrong?
That was a rhetorical question and good job I did a spell check. Didnt want a wizard to cast a dour spell on me. I challenge you to go to the mirror and look at yourself. I am hoping you wont see a stressed face. If you do or if you dont, try to have a good laugh at what you see. It should be easier to laugh if their are others there to ask whats got into you. Point at the mirror and just laugh. You could always say an artist told you to do it. Touching people with laughter can be a form of prayer. More on that anon.   

Here is some more of my art to share with you. Please pass this blog on. Especially as its a not for profit, but all for prophet website. Joke lang. Sort of. A Pinoy word thrown in for good measure!

Its as if this work has been extracted from some deep unconscious genetic memory when my ancestor painted on a cave wall because the wonder of his existence and experience needed to be expressed!

Now I am privileged to share this with you. Although I have to tell you that the last few days my production has stepped up to the point where last night, after lying in bed for ages I just had to get up and do some painting.

Peace and love to you, my brothers and sisters and to all living things. If its meant to be, then in a short while - say one to six months - I shall have the finances to get a halfway decent digital video camera and a simple editing program. I would prefer the universe to send me someone who has these already and the desire to go on the roadtrip with His UnRoyal Lowness the Outsider artist P G Kimble and his alter Ego`s Mr Nebblesworth and Psycho Sid. Creativity needs to be unfettered and unleashed on the materialistic, ego licking, Im okay Jack, f*ck the masses. Let them watch soap operas.

John Lennon, Jesus, Buddha, Spike (my late Chinese crested dog), they all had it right. Okay and one of them still does. Christ, all we need is love. Da da da da da da da. Dada!   Bit of a stretch here, but writing that reminds me when my sons were born and we were living in the Philippines. They didnt call me Dada or daddy, but Papa. Nearly all children there call their fathers this. My ex called me Pedro, as did everybody. Actually, I should say those that knew me. Everyday if I went out, people would call me again and again, `Hey Joe, Americana.`

Okey dokey. Those of you who can think that we are all brothers and sisters, some of whom have not been personally introduced, I say peace and love to you. If their is anyone that just wanted to see the blog of a brain injured artist to have a laugh I hope this has been of service, but be patient as if my hope and desire is realized their will be a performance art `peace` of me and others laughing. O and if someone reminds me it would be good to incorporate a mirror!  ttfn Peter.


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