Monday 26 November 2012

Monday 26th Nov 2012 Imagination and creation

Good day to you my brothers and sisters
Blessings peace and love to you
And all beings.

Being here now. Time is not important in so much as it will not run out any more than it will flow in! 

This moment I am here to share some photos of a painting brought into the existence of now, through me for us to observe.

When we observe the image, then we can if so inclined, observe any thoughts which come to mind. Or on the other-hand, any emotions felt!

Any or all of this may not be from the painting, but from within us.

  The world is dying from a lack of contemplation.
We are often so busy doing things and being busy that we lose our awareness of our `oneself` in thoughts about past events or future hopes.

Imagination is not about wasting time in worry. Having thoughts going  round and around in the mind without any settled conclusion.

Imagination is being able to see in ones mind the life we want to be all of ours, as coming into being in this continual present.
Do not think of wanting an end to suffering, for this will focus our mind on suffering.
Imagine love and joy spreading as we sit still or go about in the world. Feel love inside us and overflowing in love and forgiveness for all.

   There comes a time when one suffers from the inability to do anything. Don`t worry about this.

   Contemplation is love, not a dead cold coal. It will come when God wishes, and He will provide the `ray` by which we may perceive Him and know that it is God.

Jesus, said "Me and the Father are one, those who have seen me have seen the Father." 
You my brothers and sisters are one. We have to realize the power of love in us and then that will release the force of love.
Love is unstoppable. It can be ignored or diverted, but it will always win through, because it is the only truly real thing. All else is illusion and games which we play, during this thing called life.

Once again, there are rain showers outside and sky and trees look grey. Yet this will pass. I can stay inside, out of the rain. Smile and think of you seeing my blog, imagining me sitting here typing and having a desire for a smile to alight from you.

Know that you are loved and that not only are we one, it is our duty to love those who see themselves as separate from us!   

Brother Peter.

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