Monday 9 April 2012

Clouds clearing. Closed doors and dirt.

When the risen Lord desires to enter our hearts, what locked doors might he encounter?

So welcome to my blog brothers and sisters. The picture above `The Ground.` reminds us where our physical bodies came from and will eventually return. Those of us following the spiritual path are in this world, but not of it. We are spiritual beings who have come here mostly forgetting what was before. We are on a journey of which this present life is just but one stage. Our life is a stage..
Maybe the person who said, `Life is not a stage rehearsal`, got it wrong!

If we want to get it right then like any journey we need a map and maybe a plan. We also need to be prepared.

Definitely we need to know that the destination we have in mind is the right one. This may be the first fence that we fall.

 It says in the good book that those who know the son know the father.

On the Monday after Jesus was killed, he appeared inside a room where the door was locked.
Do we put up barriers against love coming into our lives?

Will we be open to accept the gift of the Holy Spirit?
So baptism and the acceptance of the Holy Spirit into our self, is essential.
If we have the loving power of God inside us and give over control to Him then we can be assured that wherever we are we are there for a purpose.
Saints have been locked up in prisons. Why does God ask this of those He loves. One reason may be to show those who feel unloved that he is reaching out to them with fellow human hands, who have accepted the task of being incarcerated in Mans prisons to share the message of salvation. Death where is your sting. We have seen God descend from Heaven to Earth as a babe born in an outhouse. This King of the Jews, who his very people rejected and spat upon. Even one of Our Lords very own disciples,  Peter, denied Him!
We can take heart from that.
It was the will of the Father that the son came to pay the price for me. (You to if you have accepted Him as your personal saviour.)
I have often felt bad in the past when I have chosen to do the wrong thing, yet have known the good I should have done. This is because our very nature and the very nature of this physical universe is fallen.
Even lower life, such as plants will throw up useless mutations. Humans, well we have cancers which are mutations of cells growing in a disordered way.

Chung Tzu said that The Tao is hidden by partial understanding. I will for me God is both Tao and Light, yet obviously more that sunlight, as the sun is finite and God is infinite.
Chung Tzu also said that The true meaning of words is hidden by flowery rhetoric.

I think as the Buddha sought both enlightenment and to relieve suffering and Jesus said, ""Feed my people." We can not ignore either those worse of in the worldly sense. Those who have no food or shelter. No medicine, nor education. Nor can we ignore those who have too much in the world and are gluttons for worldly wealth and power, yet are in spiritual destitution and starvation.

Lets just pray that the power of creative love whom I in my limited ability and understanding, call God, will show us His plans for us and enable us to see clearly what our tasks are. May the blessings of Our Lord  God Almighty.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit, remain with us now and always.


Your brother Peter.

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