Wednesday 11 April 2012

Good day to you my brothers and sisters,
and to those of us who awoke in the south of England, what sunny weather has greeted us. I, on awaking this morning, first lamented having to give up my friend and companion, the Buster. A German sheepdog and  so yes not a human. Does that matter a jot. There is a yogic quote; `I am an immortal spiritual being having an human experience.` I trust that his time with me was positive for him as it was for me and now as we have had to part, our souls will have been enriched by the time together. He chased and bit a runner and so is lucky to have escaped the death penalty. Us humans, deeming ourselves to be the most important species on the planet, or in the universe; take priority over all other species. In our minds that is and okay, often by our laws. When I say `our` I ought to clarify that as meaning mankind's in general, but not in total, nor in anyway mine.
All the spiritual Hindus and Buddhists probably have more regard for the well being of all life than other faiths and people of no faith.
To know me is to realise that when something strikes me as interesting I will feel the necessity to go running off after it at a tangent. If I say to a person, `My friend I love Jesus Christ and believe He is God and descended to this planet Earth to die for our wrongdoings and then conquered death - death, where is thy sting - rising from the grave after three days.` (isn't three such an important number!) Now by this time, the person if a stranger is going to maybe say, "stop talking to me, go away." Or "Do I know you?" To that one I can reply, if you don't that's okay. I know you and we have the same father, but you don't know it and also I would like to tell you about our brother, Jesus. Now, all this writing has been written using my artistic licence. Do not go copying this behaviour, unless of course you are a Jehovah's Witness or slightly deranged. Whats the difference someone asks. Not all slightly deranged people are Jehovah Witnesses. I do not by any means mind putting my hand up and saying I am not normal or average or in any way a typical person. When I was happily married to an adoring wife, I was fooled by circumstances and the way of this world into thinking all was fine. When my loving wife Tracy killed herself and gave me a brain injury, it awoke me from a slumber of modernity. Some new age gurus will have you believe that to realise your dream you must be in the `now`. They are right if you want to be like them and be weighed down with much material possessions. Who possesses things really. Don't things often possess the people and encumber them?
When we have a good dream in which until we awaken, all appears real and sometimes fantastic; it can be an anticlimax to realise it was only a dream. Was it though, `only` a dream! Martin Luther King said, "I have a dream." and went on to expound a great vision that if one see`s the now president of America as being a person of similar race to him, accepts it is being materialised.
One only has to see another mammal sleeping to be aware that they have dreams. I remember seeing once Buster asleep on his side. His eyes started the rapid eye movement and his legs started moving as if he was running. I should like to write that I woke him up and his was very disorientated, but cant be sure that was true. How can I be sure that Jesus was and is God, who came to earth to suffer and die for us. For one thing he was a real person who has been written about in Roman and other historical documents. Also I must have faith that He if said things like, `I am the way, the life and the truth.`  Also that he is preparing a place for us, then I return to the Hindu quote, I am an immortal spiritual being having a human experience. For now I am going to pray the prayer Jesus taught us, thinking on every individual word. Starting with, `Our Father`. That is mine and yours and our brother Jesus.` Then I move on to, `who art in heaven Holy be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. ( this time I recall that probably heaven is not a rubbish dump and so I had better go over the park in a bit and do some litter picking whilst praying; "Thank you Jesus.") Give us this day our day our daily bread and forgive us our sins (trespasses) as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. For ever and ever, Amen. Now I may have not written it perfect as its from this brain injured artist`s memory. It is though good enough for me to talk to God. My God, my God why has thou forsaken me, Jesus cried on the cross. One thought I had on that was because he was dying apart from everything else, for me personally. He has to experience the feeling of being without God at all. He had to feel as if there was no God, for a moment of joining with how we can feel at times in our lives.  
I have just reviewed what was written earlier, and wonder if a Jehovah`s Witness could feel what I wrote is putting them down. To tell you the truth, the way I follow Jesus, I bless people that curse me. Of course I bless those who love me also. This way I suppose if we ask God to bless all people and all things then we cant get our blessings wrong. The Queen of England blesses ships and all who sailed in them. This is not tongue in cheek, as I say I hope all who have sailed on the Q E 2 felt blessed and said thanks for being so blessed. Thats it I could go on, but the litter over the park is not going to tidy itself up. Or is it. I will take my camera and be looking out for some good views to share. Toodle pip. Your brother Peter.
Peace and love to all beings

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