Monday 23 April 2012

Good day to you all and to you individually. Peace and love.

My brothers and sisters. To those who believe in God and those who do not. To those whom like me have difficulty and have to overcome the thought that how good is an almighty creator who lets such dreadful atrocities like the Holocaust happen. Or the killing fields in Cambodia! I say we do at this present time live in a dualistic universe. Duality seperates us from each other and seperates us from the one true reality.  Can I see this as a training  camp for our souls? Yes. A resounding yes.

In what does a truly detached man exercise himself?
In annihilating himself.

Albert Camus said that it was the job of thinking people, not to be on the side of executioners. I have to agree and would add that also aperson cannot claim to be spiritual and also condone killing.

After the calm comes the storm. So the saying goes. Then what? I shall leave you with that. And one last thing. Check out Zak on youtube.(belay that last suggestion, as one cant just type in `Zak` and get the film I was talking about.) He is my kind of guy. He doesnt agree with me on God, yet he does agree that we should all be free to have beliefs. Amen to that. Also we should work to wage a war on poverty. Thats my thought. You will have to ask Zak yourself what he thinks about that. I believe he is an american, but we shouldnt hold that against him (joke).

                                      Above are some nice fluffy clouds I shot this morning
 In the photos of the clouds, its as if their is a cloud person drifting around. Can you see it!

Can you see a face starting to grow from the trunk below?

Good day to all and peace and love. Your brother peter (ps. I never am sure if when I get views to my blogs from the Pillippines, if it is people that know me, but if it is or not, God bless you. O and yes I do miss living there.)

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