Sunday 1 April 2012

Peace and soham to you all.
Good day. Here are some more photos I shot yesterday in London. The reflection above is of my  sister |Liz and myself.

As water reflects a face, so a mans heart reflects the man.                                             

                                                                                         Here we have London bridge and the two people you can see look to be standing just about upright, yet I did tilt the camera slightly to exaggerate the angles of the building on the right! 

Buster and me have been out over the park. With a muzzle on and as usual this last couple of days, I get some odd look because I am wearing a muzzle in solidarity with Buster. Joking, its so I don't bite people!

Be serious I hear someone say. Why should I. Politicians and bankers are serious and look what good they do for the world. What about arms manufacture`s and especially those who specialise in landmines. Legitimate businessmen!  I think not. They are on a level slightly beneath heroin dealers.

Lets look on a brighter note. You and me are like a breath of fresh air aren't we? We can appreciate the bird song!  Lets march to the beat of a different drum. I feel like having a drum right now, but am too considerate of my neighbours this early on a sunday morning. Its not 8.45 am. Saying that, a taxi has just driven up our road and hooted its horn to announce to all and sundry its arrival.

  When the superior person hears of the Tao
  He diligently studies it.
  When the inferior person hears of the Tao
  Sometimes she remembers it, sometimes not.


Use the light to return to the light.
 Then you can die yet be ever living.
                                             LAO TZU 
Always look on the bright side of life. (note to self)

Bye for now, Your brother Peter

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