Good day brothers and sisters. Just after taking this picture; O you know, its in the title. So what do you reckon to the above, an abstracted self portrait? As Ive been reading a bit more of Desmond Tutu`s book, God has a dream, its helped me realize I am striving for day when people say of me, " That Peter Kimble has ubuntu.
Ubuntu does not say, "I think, therefore I am." rather: "I am human because I belong. I participate. I share." Harmony, friendliness, community are great goods. Social harmony is for us the summum bonum - the greatest good. Anything that subverts, that undermines this sought-after good is to be avoided like the plague. Anger, resentment, lust for revenge, even success through aggressive competitiveness, are corrosive of this good.
Africa has a gift to give the world that the world needs desperately, this reminder that we are more than the sum of our parts: the reminder that strict individualism is debilitating. The world is going to have to learn the fundamental lesson that we are made for harmony, for interdependence. If we are ever to truly prosper, it will be only together.
The world is also discovering we are made for interdependence not just with human beings; we are finding out that we depend on what used to be called inanimate nature. When Africans said, "Oh, don`t treat that tree like that, it feels pain," others used to say, "Ah, they are pre scientific, they`re primitive." It is wonderful now how we are beginning to discover that it is true-that that tree does hurt, and if you hurt the tree, in an extraordinary way you hurt yourself. Now they`ve got big words for these concepts and write Ph.D.`s on ecology and so on.
The Bible also tells us of our relationship to the rest of creation and the sacredness of God`s creation, all of it in its glory and its physicality. We are stewards of all this, and so it is not to be involved in a passing fad to be concerned about the environment, about ecology. It is not just being politically correct to green.
Okay my brothers and sisters. When we get it that we are all one, you may say, "I am Rose Dubeki", another "I am Toto Abcede". Me, I am your brother Peter G Kimble. Yet we come together as One in the great I Am (I AM being one of the numerous names of our creator.) Don't you think its marvelous, fantastic. Come along and sing, Mr Bombastic.
And now its time for some sayings and some such. Starting appropriately with;
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
African proverb. ( this is one I will be spending some time meditating on this afternoon, partly on the realization that that often our greatest enemy is our self, and there isn't one! So deny our self is a good goal, as in diminish ego!)
"The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed, The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens the character." - Buddha
Hey my brothers and sisters, we are all one. My late wife Tracy (now, yep, a few little tears.) used to say, "theres no such thing as strangers, just brothers and sisters yet to be introduced."
I leave you now with peace and love, requesting that we encorage one another to pass it on and at the same time pass over any negative stuff that could seperate us from one another. Bless you all, my brothers and sisters. Your bro Peter.
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