Late edition post, brought to you post haste.
You are all so beautiful my brothers and sisters who visit my blog.
Someone asked me why, and the answer is that me and my God don`t do ugly, or cannot be saved! No person is beyond redemption and anyone who says thats not true, just cant accept my God that came down from heaven to earth and was nailed to a cross and died for me and all who believe. I still have to pray for them just like I have to breath. If I try to hold my breath I just cant keep it up more than a minute or so.
Some it seems don't have to start at the bottom, like Robert Maxwells son for instance, or princess Diana. Are they any better of for it? I don't think so. It good to feel sorry for people that seem to have everything handed to them on a plate. They miss out on being able to grow the stuff and then prepare it to put on a plate. Probably wouldn't be able to eat if there were no clean plates.
In the Philippines
when we were eating outside we would often have our food on a piece of banana leaf. Hows that for a disposable plate. Biodegradable or what.
Making the grade.
Who`s grade.
Here is just a part of one of my pictures and this part is about us all accepting who we are and also one another. Its no good people just speaking, saying we are all one body and not working for it to become an intrinsic part of us all. You notice it doesn't say `each of us.` We really have to get away from thinking of our self as an individual. Was it Shakespeare who said `no man is an island`? O no I hear some one saying, Peters got back to the universe, one verse, or one song! Yep I must zoom off to share another piece from God has a dream, by Desmond Tutu;
AS WE SEEK to know God, we also should not be beguiled by much loved dichotomies between secular and sacred, activism and contemplation. It is dangerous to pray for an authentic spirituality is subversive of injustice. Oppressive and unjust governments should stop people from praying to God, should stop them from reading and meditating on the Bible, for these activities will constrain them to work for the establishment of God`s kingdom of justice, peace, of laughter, of joy, of caring, of sharing, of reconciliation, of compassion. These activities will not permit us to luxuriate in a spiritual ghetto , insulated against the harsh realities of life out there as most of God`s children experience it.
Just as we are all meant to be contemplatives and to hear the voice of God in our lives, we are all meant to answer God`s call to be His partners in transfiguring the world. This calling, this encounter with God, , is always to send us into the midst of human suffering.
The prophet falls prostrate. But God raises him to his feet because He wants to send him to the recalcitrant house of Israel. He receives the Word or is imbued with the Spirit. The Spirit is given, the divine is encountered, for the sake of others. This seems to be the almost universal rhythm.
Bye bye for today
Your bro Peter
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