Good day to you my brothers and sisters.
Isn't it nice when we can look out and see the created world with love in our being. I didn't say hearts as they are vital to pump blood through our bodies, yet we are more than our bodies.
I have been reading a book called, `REACHING OUT` by Henri Nouwen. I would like to share a little which I am meditating on today;
Healing means first of all allowing strangers to become sensitive and obedient to their own stories. Healers, therefore, become students who want to learn, and patients become teachers who want to teach. ( Did you know that in his day people often referred to Jesus as teacher!)
Just as teachers learn their course material best during the preparation and ordering of their ideas for presentation to students, so patients learn their own story by telling it to a healer who wants to hear it. Healers are hosts who patiently and carefully listen to the story of the suffering strangers. Patients are guests who rediscover their selves by telling their story to the one who offers them a place to stay. In the telling of their stories, strangers befriend not only their host but also their own past.
As healers we have to receive the story of our fellow human beings with a compassionate heart, a heart that does not judge or condemn but recognizes how the stranger`s story connects with our own. We have to offer sage boundaries within which the often painful past can be revealed and the search for a new life can find a start.
Our most important question as healers is not, `What to say or to do?` but, `How to develop enough inner space where their story can be received?` Healing is the humble but very demanding task of creating and offering a friendly empty space where strangers can reflect on their pain and suffering without fear, and find the confidence that makes them look tor new ways right in the centre of their confusion.
As I and we are so much more than artists, children, parents, priests, or prisoners, (not always the criminal type of prisoner, or in fact the ordained type of priest.) we cannot let the physical world limit our abilities to go not only as individual, but as part of our one universe. When we cut our self do we have to decide how to heal the skin! No it heals itself. If we are still in our beings we will be able to hear when we should interfere with the natural order of things and when to let go and just go with the flow.
Earlier Buster and me went over Popes meadow and Buster went off running and barking at a man. Fortunately he responded to my whistle (Buster, not the man.) - which is loud when I use my fingers in my mouth.
Buster is only a young dog and can hopefully be trained to listen to me instead of deciding for himself that someone is a threat and needs to be barked at. Many adults though grew up without learning that we are all one and its our job to live in harmony. Its unfortunate that many of those have positions of power. Yet really its a false power. Yes they can erect a wall dividing Germany, but how long will it last? Oh, I'm told Germany is now united.
This is what I see is wrong with politics, criminal justice and even religion. Many see themselves as very different from other people and follow different agendas. Together, come on and in the words of a song, Lets get together and feel alright.
This is all my brothers and sisters for today, leaving you with my love, Brother Peter
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