Saturday 5 November 2011

Entering the Castle with me. An inner path to God & our Soul.

The title of the blog is the title of a book that I borrowed from the library today. The writer Caroline Myss took her template for the the book from the mystic Teresa of Avila.
All mystics agree that the mind and body are different from the soul. But the soul is often obscured by the clamor of our inner chaos, our doubts and fears. It would be wonderful if getting to your soul were as simple as closing your eyes and focusing. It is not, but focusing on the Castle and entering it prayerfully, step by step, is the most effective way to meet your soul.
Your soul as Castle is a powerful metaphor that induces mystical intimacy. The Castle represents a deeper, interior state of consciousness, beyond the five sensory domains of the mind and beyond your mental understanding of soul. Here is a way to work with that image:
Imagine a Castle-not a palace, but a Castle built with heavy, thick, protective stone walls. Imagine a moat surrounding that Castle and a drawbridge over it. The Castle is isolated, exposed atop a hill overlooking miles and miles of land. Visualize yourself as your soul, as an infinite energy, a great wind flowing into and out of the sun. See yourself not as your body, but yourself in your spirit or soul or energy form approaching this Castle. Visualize crossing the drawbridge, going under the archway and into the courtyard. Imagine that you have withdrawn from the world. All becomes silent.

It does go on about making this Castle our safety net and home, but me thinks to copy too much may infringe on copyright. Besides which I have eleven and twelve year old sons here today, they are staying overnight. Its Guy Fawkes's night and there will be plenty of fireworks going off in the field besides our flat. Also they are being provided free by the local government council.
For now though I must give them some attention before they enter into mortal combat.

May this be a restful evening for you and please have a thought for me.
Your bro Peter

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