Tuesday 8 November 2011

LIFE living intimately feeling eternal

Good day brothers and sisters. I awoke this morning and got some inspiration from;
Looking at the above for awhile brought me to the restful state at which I am in this moment.

If you spend some time there (wowzone) you may as I do, be able to step outside your feeling of being seperate from everyone else and be a wonderful intrinsic part of all that is, was and will be.

Our will, this is such an important factor in our lives and all we interact with and yet often it is not something we are in control of.

We react often on impulse and not on reflection.

For gnostics, Jesus is not the son of a partisan Jewish God, but the true son of God who is the oneness that underlies all. He comes not to save people from affending against the rules laid down by an autocratic creator, but directly to reveal the transcendent truth. The true God of Jesus is beyond all ideas, and so can equally be pictured as both Father and Mother. A Gnostic text declares;
I am the Thought that dwells in the light. She who exists above all. I move in every creature. I am the invisable one within All. I am perfection. I am knowledge. I cry out in everyone and they know a seed dwells within them. I am adrogynous. I am both Mother and Father, since I make love with myself. I am the womb that gives shape to All. I am the Glorious Mother.
When you make the two as One, and the inside like the outside, you will enter the kindom of Heaven. Jesus.. Gnostic Gospel of Thomas


Think first is a good start, yet what can be better is to still our thoughts and feelings and be in the space where a thought comes, we meditate on it and then either let it go, or rest in it awhile.

Its coming up to 5.40am and so this is an early edition post. I will leave the blog but my love will still be will all who read this blog. Wishing you all, love enlightenment and peace. Peter.

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