Monday, 31 December 2012

In spitting distance of a new year.

Good day my brothers and sisters and the last this year. How has it been for you! Its been a good one for me. If I was to dwell on the past I could tell you some wonderful memories of the day my 1st wife and I were married in London. Lets just be in the now and share a recent painting.

  This artwork is called `The tree of life and fruits`. When I named this I was aware that there were no fruits to be seen. Not even on the bare branches of the symbolic tree. This is because we have to see a tree in our imagination. Imagine first, leaves budding and then we can see in our minds the fruits appearing. Because it is a symbolic tree the fruits can be material or non-material.  This is the last day of this year and I will not be wanting one minute to go quickly, so as to get to next year. Every moment in time is to be relished in a way as to fully appreciate all experience. What happens which we may on a conscious plane see as negative - war, terrorism, starvation, imperialism, soap opera's, Oprah Winfray. Yet reality is never the same for any two people. Knowledge comes from experience and so as our experience does differ not only by our location in space and time never being exactly the same, but also individual perceptions. So we are all inhabiting slightly, or even vastly differing universes. 
Imagine the reality of one individual who has mastered meditation and lives in a prayerful state. Then imagine the reality of another who`s mind is unbalanced, perhaps pychotic and self absorbed in both fear and anger. These two indivuals then walk down the same busy street just one minute apart, but worlds apart in their individual realities.
So important is the vital apprehension of this truth that we may well approach it from another angle. If We believe in God at all, we must believe that God has a purpose for the universe as a whole, which must include us as intrinsic individual parts of this! The seers have uttered this faith in scores of figures, but no one of them is adequate to express the full meaning of this confidence that creation means something, has a goal, is not a blind accident, but a wise plan. "Nothing walks with aimless feet," says Tennyson. "There are no accidents with God", says Longfellow. All who believe in God must share this faith, as I truly do. When we walk in the knowledge that we are not just individuals, but vital important bits in Gods loving plan, then this awareness is what seperates us from other sheep; who are the blind leading the blind.
Today is the time to have in mind that God can neither care nor plan for His world as a whole, without caring and planning for each of the individuals that make His one universe. The faith of the Bible, in the individual knowledge, love, and purpose of God for each of us is not mere sentiment. It is the inevitable corollary of theism. No man can think through the meaning of belief in God without coming to it.
Purpose for the universe and purpose for each life are two aspects of the same thing and they mutually involve each other and us all. You can easily find a shield with only one side as a purpose that concerns the whole and not the parts. Here, too, God calls us every one by name. As an Indian poet sings,
               " The subtle anklet that ring on the feet of an insect
                         when it moves are heard of Him."
  Whether, therefore, we consider the fact that God must care for value rather than for size; or the fact that knowledge, as it grows, always breaks up masses into units and understands each one of them; or the fact that no love and purpose in general can fail to include the particular parts, we come to the same conclusion : God`s individual care for us is not only a reasonable, it is an inevitable corollary of our faith. Therefore it is natural that the psalmist exclaims in the passage, quoted by Jesus, "All of you are sons of the Most High!" (Psalm 82:6).
How could He care for us all and not for each? And since trust in God`s individual love must always flower out of prayer, the word of Jesus follows naturally from His conception of God--" Having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret". (Matt. 6:6) We are all one when we have the imagination.

This is all the blogs you will see from me this year and so I will God willing be back next year. Blessings love and peace to you all. Your brother Peter.    

Sunday, 30 December 2012


Good day to you, my brothers and sisters.

Blessings, love and peace to you and all beings.

Here are some photos of art which came into being through me yesterday.

                                          Is it the struggle that sets us free? You tell me.
                     I have got to go and pick up my boys to go to church.

Anywhere you go liking everyone, everyone will be likable.
         Mignon McLaughlin.

In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made to God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honourable,whatsoever things are just,whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
                                                     PHIL. 4 :6-8
The connection in these verses between great praying and right thinking is not accidental. A man cannot habitually indulge in mean, perverse, or abominable thoughts and suddenly come out of them into unimpeded communion with God. An automobile can be shifted from "low" to "high" with a stroke of the hand, but not so a man`s mind. The price of real prayer is habitual self-disciplin in thinking - the pure in heart see God. Sherwood Eddy says that the great Madras Young Men`s Christian Association building was held up for months, after the site was chosen, the plans drawn, and the money provided, because two shanty-owners would not let go their hold on a little ground in the centre of the plot. What is the mane of that shanty in your mind which is holding up the great building of character and service for which God has the plans and the means ready?

Give me a pure heart o Lord and put a right spirit within me. (this is a little prayer I say almost every day and which is a line I use from a psalm.)

You all have a good day, in the knowledge that you are loved so much. Your brother, Peter.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

As within so without. Peace and Love with us NOW.

`Changing Your Mind`. This is a video on YOU TUBE about OCD, but also I believe it has a lot of relevance to any of us who do not want to waste too much time on that which will not be beneficial to all we are in being goodness!   So it is up to you if you want to check it out.

The latest art I produced is not yet ready to be photographed and so is have posted some recent shots which I enjoy looking at now.

  This above site is comprehensive in much of what I believe we need to be aware of to be authentically good beings, now and always. So as I have given this information to you, I may just concentrate more on art - being that this is a brain injured outsider artists blog - but you cant count on on what I say. Smile and go with the flow. Have a good day and know that you are loved. Pass this love on, but first sit still awhile and experience it in the stillness of NOW.  Your bro Peter.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Fish on Friday. The New Martyrs from Ukraine.

Greetings to you and joy love and peace to you and all beings. May we all be the light of the world.

                      First my brothers and sisters I will post my art. Here is the whole picture &
                      maybe we miss things when looking as a whole and do not pay particular
                      attention to individual aspects.

                      Below illustrates that which is only seen when mirrored and so is illusion.

                      The above photo is showing a little bubble which will pass with time, as of
                      course will the physical painting and this physical body typing this. Let us be
                      aware of each moment, which is now. Do not yearn for a future never here!

                 The New Martyrs
It is estimated that 17 million people suffered a violent death in 20th century Ukraine. Many of these died for their witness to the Christian faith. The soviets suppressed the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in 1946. 
Various members of the Orthodox Church were also persecuted. Those who clung to their faith were severely persecuted, exiled, tortured or put to death.

   St. Olha, Princess of Kyivan-Rus and grandmother of St. Volodymyr, was the first ruler of kyivan-Rus to personally accept christianity in 955.

When I looked at the audience to my blogs and see that the all time stats, as well as monthly stats are the same in first, second and third place it gave me pause to reflect. (United Kingdom 1st, America 2nd and Ukraine 3rd.) This is why I had to look at Christianity in the Ukraine! So my greetings and love goes to those of you who see this. Of course to goes to all beings, especially those who would mock those of us who would see our greatest aspiration fulfilled in the act of giving our life for another.

Enjoy this day our Lord has given us and spread the word, which is LOVE, not speech! (In other words, dont go banging on doors with the bible in your hand, telling people that they need to be saved. It can irritate us and inflate your ego (E.G.O. edge God out.) Do good works instead and dont seek any recognition. Too many of us who have it easy in our worship in the western world and can feel content with things, ought to rouse ourselves from this sleep. The enemy is within, when we do nothing to help those who suffer without.

Be on guard my brothers and sisters and we will fight the good fight as one body in Christ.  Your bro of Christ, St Joseph, St Olha, St Alban and all the saints, Peter.


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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Unless I go away

Ends and Means
There is meaning to everything.

This morning, not two hours ago. I arose from bed and switched on this amazing machine which I am now typing these words which you read.
On opening YouTube, it had shown me the titles of some videos which it said I may like.
Neville Goddard; Unless I Go Away; was the one for me. There was also a minecraft one which would be for my son, who also uses this computer.
Why I mention this to you, is that when I let go of trying to arrange my life and everything in it, then the right things appear at the appropriate time.
I also recommend this all the Neville Goddard talks to you, which of course are free. Thanks must go to the one who posted these, known only as 100kwatt.   

So now I will post some of my art as photos.

                      Those of you looking whom are artists, will know that our art can evolve
                      through trying - even if just to our own experience - new things, techniques.

                      So here you can see a painting I have been working on for some days. 
                      Initially just with paint. Then today I have used some pastels and dripped
                      candle wax.     


                                I like the result so far. It is another layer in time upon the past.
                                How about you? Have you, or are you going to go over some
                                past occurrence, or happening and rework it.

                                Your brother Peter G Kimble. Be good. Know that you are blessed &  loved.                                                        

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Good day to you in our oneness of Love.

My brothers and sisters. I have faith and hope in us all who are reading these words. I am typing without any idea of my own, that which we will discover further down. I can say what there will not be. There will not be any absolutes from me apart from the absolutely fundamental ideal of the only true path or way to the source of all knowledge is through love. This may not be realized by all of us travelling in time and space. Also beings may have to experience brief excursions ( either a moment or one or more lifetimes.) For those I do not mourn, because as we are all really one, then they will have to get it in the end. It is inevitable.  In a moment, or ten thousand lifetimes it is not important. Our final destination will be eternal love and bliss.
 I AM here to tell you that on this sunny day here, all is calm and love. Next moment here may be storm and noise, but their will be no hate. 
I will not even be chancing upon people, this day, acting in a hateful manner, in fiction on youtube or where ever else one can look on this internet. When I do venture out from this hermitage, be it this day or another, I will take the presence of love in my whole being. Abandoning still the presence of ego in my doing.

The clock on the wall is ticking in a comforting manner, as is as I am. 

I will share an image of the painting done this morning, before my eldest sister, who stayed overnight arose. She has now departed and will make her way back up to her and her partner Di`s home in Sheffield.

This is entitled `The tree of life and fruits`.

  If we take the good
we find, asking
no questions, we 
shall have heaping

Ralph Waldo Emerson


If you do not have contentment in everything
then you are not as I am yet.

Mr Nebblesworth

Be glad of life because it 
gives you the chance to
love, to work, to play and to
look up at the stars.

Henry van Dyke 

I do believe that the Keshe Plasma Generator - - is worth a bit more of  
time to look into. I wouldnt mention this if today was April 1st, which here in the UK is a day for tricking people into believing the sometimes impossible. If we have faith in there being in time Erika moments, then this is more likely to be one that is we have a negative outlook.

Peace and blessings be with you today and work out from us all. With love for you and all, your brother Peter.   

Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas eve. Its my birthday tomorrow and a day millions will celebrate.

Good day to you. I know that tomorrow only a minority of those who are celebrating will be wishing me a happy birthday. Also, for me at fifty it didnt seem special and it wont tomorrow. I ought to clarify that. Being an anniversary of  the day I was born will not have special significance to me personally. I wouldnt have minded knowing the actual day of my conception into this world! It just struck me how happier I am to have been born on Dec 25th than say, Sept 11th!  Is this though not anything more than an idle pondering? 
Could be more!

 Once again, I must if to do justice to the art you are going to see represented here - O YES (note to self) I MUST TAKE MY CAMERA WITH ME EVERYWHERE I GO (Not literally everywhere. That would be odd; just off to the bathroom and toilet, anyone seen the camera!) - inform you that what you see on todays blog is not approaching how much better it is in reality. 
Of course for some who wandered to my website by chance, or accident, you may think its dreadful, as it is. That of course is okay with me, as freedom of thought is in my book the way to go.
I would be a tad concerned if some saw it and decided they hated it, hated me and wanted to destroy my art and me. 
Even that though would be better than people just registering nothing in their consciousness! That would mean my art had no impact. 
I haven't though been producing art with the intention of having great, or even little impact. It has just been what it is and I do it while I feel I aught to.
Still it is cool if it is no more than something which I enjoy doing and am happy with what is created!

So this is my art for today, which I am well happy with. I am both glad to have been able to of done and also to share with you. Glad to for those whom like it, or even if it inspires anyone to do something they believe is better. 

I suppose that I am a point in my life where all the falseness of Christmas, or Yuletide or the holiday season, is just wearing a bit thin. My thoughts came to rest a short while on the following few sentences, from the Bible.

 I hate and despise your feasts,
 I take no pleasure in your solemn festivals.
 When you offer me holocausts,
 I reject your oblations,
 Let me have no more of the din of your chanting,
 no more of your strumming on harps.
 But let justice flow like water,
 and integrity like an unfailing stream. (Amos c. 5)

Let me ask you to think about what tomorrow means for you and what it appears to be for many.
Is is about The Almighty God and creator of the universe and all contained; humbling Himself to come down and be born in an outhouse and to grow up to be tortured to death so as to save our immortal souls. Or is it about parties and selling/consuming plenty? Easter has to be the important time of the year for me to celebrate. 
At the birth, there were to my mind a couple of Zoroastrian priests or so. 
I must get my game face on for tomorrow and I do thank God that I dont drink, or else I could let something slip! If it wasn't pouring down with rain, then I would go down the town right now and buy an outlandishly garish party hat. Maybe I can make one. I shall look around and see what materials there are. Or I could always dress smartly and wear the fez, what do you think?

       Maybe my mum and sons just would not like that? I will just wear the smile! I am starting to look like a mature person. I like it. No wonder people are getting more polite with me. Strangers that is. Once people get to know me they sometimes feel free to swear at me. Actually strangers have been know to do that. My late wife Tracy used to say, "There is no such thing as a stranger, just friends that havent been introduced."
In traffic I would often be tempted to use an `F` word followed by a two letter word (Forgive me) but didnt, in case it bought abuse. When we drove about, often we had Nestar our bullmastiff dog sitting in the back seat and she was our deterrent to rude people. 
Here is a prayer I will pray today and also tomorrow if I remember.

Lord, keep me from making the mistakes I am most prone to when temptation comes. I confess that what I think is necessary, smart, or personally beneficial is so often only the beautiful wrapping on sin. So please, keep evil far from me and my sons. Tomorrow and the rest of this year.

So my brothers and sisters. I hope that you all get some time to feel joyful over the next couple of days. Blessings love and peace to you all. Your bro Peter.