Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Call to all Free thinkers and beings to protect freedom.

Good day you my brothers and sisters.
I had to use my artistic licence when constructing the title of today's blog for a good reason, or cause!

If you, as do I, enjoy the freedom we have in communicating across the world with the internet then like me you will want to protect this wonderful freedom. If this is as I believe the case - or you would not be the brothers and sisters that would like my site - then look up and take action with the following;

AVAAZ.org  ITU Hands of our Internet
The world in action.

I dont think we are even yet using this global communication tool - the internet - to anywhere near the degree of potential that it offers. So lets do all we can to protect its expansion and development. I am looking in my imagination at the joy of street children using internet access to get education and to know that they are loved by individuals like me, who even now am sitting here with tears in my eyes thinking of them. 
Maybe its hard for you to understand my passion, or you just put it down to me having brain damage!
Nope, that would be an excuse. Pictures on posters, or even news footage of the television do not have the impact on our souls, as does being there. 
When I was hungry did you feed me?
When I was lonely did you give me some of your precious time.
When you need to be reassured that there are people who do not put themselves first.
Then that I am here, working at being one of many. Are we together on this. 
Why am I smiling. 
You must realize our wonderful potential to be the change this world needs. Surf the sea of potential that is the internet and you will see.  

Quote for today,by Samual Beckett.

One of the the two thieves on calvary being saved was a reasonable percentage.

Now for your eyes only. (I hope that you are getting to know me well enough to realize this is not meant literally!) OUR art, produced through me. (I will be glad of course and my thanks to you if you pass my blogs on.)

                                          I took the above photo at Luton Town hall. At the
                                          memorial for those who gave their lives in wars.
                                          Among the many reefs there my eyes were caught by this one for the
                                                Lest we forget what freedom costs.

                                          All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. (That of course                    
                                          includes good women!

                                                  Animals, for instance dogs, horses and pigeons, gave their lives in
                                           service during wars, without perhaps understanding why. I am sure some
                                           men and women, like myself and many from for instance the Quaker faith,
                                           would lay down their life for another, but not be prepared to take anothers

                                                              Variations on a theme.
My love to you and all beings - oh yes, the Buddha said that the actions of living beings are never wasted even though hundreds of aeons may pass before their effects are experienced.
Thank God for the Mayans and the Incas. Why not?   Remember we are the change that we want to see in the world. If we want to be forgiven by others, or have them give way to us when we are in a hurry, then perhaps we can do this first. Note to self and you, especially when driving. Funny thing is, I seem to have to give way all the time when I am walking along the pavement.  If I kept to a straight line, then I should be constantly be colliding with pushchairs and old people. I nearly wrote `odd people`, but that would be correct also. So it seems its not often others job not to walk into me, but mine is to avoid them.
Hey, I get it. Love is always in the centre of where I am!

Today is the day to remember Saint Lucy (283 - 304) Patron Saint for the blind.
Her story reminds us that we do not need our eyes to see the right way and the truth. 

Ta ta for now my brothers and sisters.
Know that you are loved and blessed.
Your brother of Jesus Christ and Saint Lucy.
                          Peter G Kimble.     


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