Good day to you my brothers and sisters.
Peace love and Soham.
Unless otherwise stated, the images below are not mine, but were photographed by me as they caught my attention(For this alone I share what interests me and has perhaps an influence on me and my art.) for one reason or another. Then again it may not always be a reason, but a feeling. Hmm. Is a feeling a reason!
This image above is of me. When I was
by men with guns and stockings covering
their faces.(the guns were not of course covering
their faces.) If some men and women want
women to cover their faces in the name of
religion, then what is more liberating than
doing the same in the name of art, love and
free expression! So here I am pictured in
patterned tight material.
I recall enjoying a picture of the Russian
woman music group Pussy Riot when
they were arrested for so called anti Putin
remarks, or whatever. They had masks on.
I believe I may have seen them in balaclava
helmets that were knitted in different colour
wools, which is neat. Shame the auntie that
knitted jumpers for us forty years ago isnt
still alive, she could come to the swimming
pool today with me and my sons. Yeah, so
down the water slide goes the ninety year
auntie, with a splash at the end. Oh, yes
let me get back to Pussy Riot. They are
young people expressing their selves.
I might not like the music, but I may; hang on.
Arr ha. I am listening and they are saying that
Putin is lighting up the fires of revolution.
Yep that will get us in trouble with `The Man`
every time. Megalomaniacs can have fragile
If we have a strong faith in whatever we
believe, then we do not feel threatened
and want to imprison whom say things
we dont like. Thats how my brother John
(the baptist) lost his head. Yeah I know
it was a woman that instigated it, but come
on, its not fair if its us men doing all the
genocide, unfair world trade and de-
forestation (is that the right word for cutting
down all the trees?) Let women take
some credit for negative actions.
Wife of Mao Tse-tung, Jiang Qing was able to reach the highest position within the communist party. It is believed that she was the driving force that propelled the Cultural Revolution of China, of which she was the Deputy Director. It was during this 10-year period that important artworks and literary pieces were destroyed, intellectuals were sent to prison, and many had their human rights violated. Many Eastern and Western sources estimate the death toll to be around 500,000 from 1966-1969 alone.
Evil knows no gender. Men and women can be used by the Devil to cause tragedy to the world. Whether she’s a mass murderer, a serial killer or a corrupt leader, evil lived or lives inside of them. Women are naturally nurturing and caring. Although these nine vicious ladies proved to be disgraceful, we should not forget that there have been countless admirable women in history who have made or tried to make this world a better place to live in.
These two pictures of course have the
red and white face paint in common.
The one above though has a whole
different image to that of English young
men going to football matches with the
red and white George cross on their
I interrupt the normal flow of this blog to inform you that I can hear the whistle of a steam train which is now running on the tracks of our main line rail! NICE. Most of you reading this are too young
to remember when workmen used steamrollers to repair the roads. A good thing too as it is good to be
young, even young at heart. I wonder, is there an opposite meaning to immature? This is not a rhetorical
question, but I doubt anyone will come up with a good answer for me - look at the eyes above - petgkimb@gmail is how you let me know, if you do. Or, you may want to send me a picture that caught you eye. I was going to say, or tell me who you are. That though may not be that easy. Who do we think we are? Are we a thought of our own conception! We were conceived before we were born. Hey, its a big expansion of consciousness if we get the realization of self conception! That is where I am, then I am not. Here I am my brothers and sisters with a smile for you. Now I look below.
This too will pass.
black body suit I have, which covers
the whole of my body, but not the whole
of who I AM!
I am not fond of big corporations. I am
fond of kittens and canarys, but not in
the same stew. (only the last bit it a joke.)
It is now time to bid you all farewell for today and of course I pray that we all fare well every day.
Know that you are loved. Your Brother Peter.
Ps. Give a thought to all who suffer prosecution, from wherever it comes.
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