Friday, 7 December 2012

Fish on Friday.




Good day to you, my brothers and sisters. To know how much we are loved,we ought to love one another. Give no thought to reason and let the feeling of love go out to all.
 To misunderstanding, let love be our response.
 Let love be present in your heart if you are faced with hate or persecution. 

We will only know how much we are loved, when we can surrender our whole being to this love dwelling in us and through us.

World confusion is really a spot on the universe of majestic order. We must hold the confusion to God.
    God is beyond all reason, for God`s reason is truth. The real battle with evil lies in the martyr`s prayer:   "GOD IS".


We are the ground of the battle, and looking at world history, today it seems grim: but this holding up and holding on in prayer is the martyrs work.

The kingdom of God is built up with faith in God upon the suffering of His saints.

The people who know most about God are those who are most certain about evil.

Souls who are really praying are breaking down Satan`s kingdom.

Where there is `Goodness` there is nothing for Satan to take hold of.


The world today is suffering from a tide of fear and insecurity, which is increased by a conflict of faiths.
In order tho meet this naked fear and to hold on, we need a steady self-disciplining in living out our own faith.

Ascend to God by steps, with order and discipline, for yourself and also for the whole world: but besides discipline we need asceticism for following Christ.

This means the disciplined practice required to test a theory. The ascetic principle is not what you do but why it is done. Body, mind and spirit must go together as one.

We are not individuals alone in this universe, my brothers and sisters. Today even reading these words together, we are one. Those who dont yet realize this are still part of the oneness, yet words cannot instill this love in them. Words backed up with actions are the proving ground. This ground is dug over again and again, then sown with seeds of love.

My love to you and all beings, on this day, which is cold and snowing here in Luton, England.

Your brother, in Christ and of Buddha and all the saints,

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