Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Good day to you in our oneness of Love.

My brothers and sisters. I have faith and hope in us all who are reading these words. I am typing without any idea of my own, that which we will discover further down. I can say what there will not be. There will not be any absolutes from me apart from the absolutely fundamental ideal of the only true path or way to the source of all knowledge is through love. This may not be realized by all of us travelling in time and space. Also beings may have to experience brief excursions ( either a moment or one or more lifetimes.) For those I do not mourn, because as we are all really one, then they will have to get it in the end. It is inevitable.  In a moment, or ten thousand lifetimes it is not important. Our final destination will be eternal love and bliss.
 I AM here to tell you that on this sunny day here, all is calm and love. Next moment here may be storm and noise, but their will be no hate. 
I will not even be chancing upon people, this day, acting in a hateful manner, in fiction on youtube or where ever else one can look on this internet. When I do venture out from this hermitage, be it this day or another, I will take the presence of love in my whole being. Abandoning still the presence of ego in my doing.

The clock on the wall is ticking in a comforting manner, as is as I am. 

I will share an image of the painting done this morning, before my eldest sister, who stayed overnight arose. She has now departed and will make her way back up to her and her partner Di`s home in Sheffield.

This is entitled `The tree of life and fruits`.

  If we take the good
we find, asking
no questions, we 
shall have heaping

Ralph Waldo Emerson


If you do not have contentment in everything
then you are not as I am yet.

Mr Nebblesworth

Be glad of life because it 
gives you the chance to
love, to work, to play and to
look up at the stars.

Henry van Dyke 

I do believe that the Keshe Plasma Generator - - is worth a bit more of  
time to look into. I wouldnt mention this if today was April 1st, which here in the UK is a day for tricking people into believing the sometimes impossible. If we have faith in there being in time Erika moments, then this is more likely to be one that is we have a negative outlook.

Peace and blessings be with you today and work out from us all. With love for you and all, your brother Peter.   

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