Wednesday, 31 August 2011

I hear you knocking, but you cant come in!

In biblical times there was a country called Palestine, yet now to the shame of the Jews it doesnt exist. By all international rights, the palestinians are entitled to settlements, yet to the shame of the jews they demolish settlements.
Most people feel for those six million jews whose Hitlers hate machine killed. Lets not forget though, the gypsies and homosexuals. The disabled. Anyone who didnt fit his crazy criteria.
Im not a politician, I am just a human who is being. I do remember when the berlin wall came down. I was locked up in Broadmoor at the time and felt elated and ecstatic. I remember when Nelson Mandela. after spending twenty two years in prison was made president of South Africa. Free Nelson Mandela, the pop group sung. Who is going to bring out the record, `Palistine rises like the pheonix`?
For whosoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that belives that Jesus is the son of God. 1 John 5: 4-5

"The bread you do not use is the bread of the hungry. The garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of the person who is naked. The shoes you do not wear are the shoes of one who is barefoot. The money you keep locked away is the money of the poor. The acts of charity you do not perform are the injustices you commit." - St Basil the Great
Its now gone 2.38am and I am hoping that now once I have posted this and done some praying for peace in my self and my world, then I shall be able to go back to sleep. The reason I got up nearly an hour ago was to let Buster go over the park,as he woke me up with his wineing.
So until I bog again I will bid you a good day, in love and good faith. Your bro Peter


Good evening and blessings to all. On this blog you can see the two pictures showing my two performance `peaces`.
This first on the right is me in a Sacred Service uniform. I manned a check point and asked people;
1) Do you have any weapons of mass destruction concealed on your person, or perhaps packed in your baggage by a demonic entity.
2) If you have brought any concerns, or worries to this site which may impede on your own, or others enjoyment of this festival then please write them down and place them in the box and walk calmly away. Pleased be assured that the Sacred Service in conjunction with the C I A (Christian intervention artists) will pray over all submissions.
Thank you, God bless you and pass it on.
The latter performance went better than I`d prodicted and there were some serious prayer requests which were prayed over in good faith.
Hmm, I just noticed the top picture that the elderly lady on the electric scooter bears a striking resemblance to my mother. Hang on a moment, it is my mother.

I hope you dont mind me sharing my faith that God has boundless love for us, but I pray and request that you would pray for me and my soulmate to meet up, if possible in this lifetime. Id appreciate your prayerfull imput, as their is power in numbers.
God bless you all. And remember, its not over till the fat angel sings!
Your Brother inChrist, Peter

Photo of this years Greenbelt symbol + photo of me with hat on.

Good day, may love and blessings be upon us.
What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stop and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
streams full of stars, like skys at night.
No time to turn at Beauty`s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
William Henry Davies
This poem reminds me of a line from the psalms, which is my favourite to meditate on. Be still and know that I am God.
I have Buster and one of my sons to take care of today and they have me.
So visa vee. I have you and you have me and us all held in Gods Love shall be. ( yep, I know my prose is not up to the standard of W H Davies and Im glad for that!)
This is it for now, yet I do not believe, as my son just said, it will take you an hour to read.
Love and peace to you all, Peter.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Went to Greenbelt Cristian music festival this Bank holiday.

Peace and love to everyone reading this.
I reacharged my spiritual batteries. Although I had a good time, being with family, enjoying the music and doing some performance art, it is good to be back and to have a rest. Walking on those stilts can be exausting.
There may have been some dark clouds and there was certainly some rain, but what love and joy there was also. If I have one reservation it was that I didnt do much praying for all those less fortunate than us in the world. Those who let alone, cannot get computer access, they cant get access to their own land. Well I have prayed for them now. Better late than never its said.
Well, the Buster has been in the kennels for a few days, so I expect he will be excited to see me and my sister Vivienne when we pick him up in the morning. Lets hope that he hasnt lost too much weight.
These were the only animals I took photos of at Greenbelt. Although my sons an d I took part in an animation workshop and their was a monster created in our little piece. I wont say peace, as my boys had the monsters limbs chopped off. We look forward to it appearing on you tube.
Opening the heart to love is the central mystic teaching. This is something we can experience in every moment of our lives. Most people have experienced the unifying power of love. Lovers lose themselves in their love for one another. The boundaries of the separate self are dissolved and we enter the bliss of union. Socrates, relating the teachings of his mentor the prophetess Diotima, says that such love of another person is a pathway into Love itself, which can lead from the particular to the universal, from loving one person to Love for all.
Personal love is for an object of desire, or a person we love, or wish to be with. It`s conditional love. When the person or thing fails to fulfil our expectations we no longer longer feel the love. To expand beyond limited personal love and experience the all-embracing love of God, mystics advise to cultivate a compassion for everyone and everything - to love for no reason and for no reward. Love is the universal force of attraction, which, like gravity, pulls all things together as one. If we can transcend our sense of separateness, we will expand beyond personal love to an unconditional compassion - becoming the One loving the All. Shri Nisargadatta says:
Life is love and love is life. What keeps the body together but love?
What is desire but love of self? What is fear but the urge to protect?
What is knowledge but the love of Truth? The means and forms may
be wrong, but the motive behind is always love - love of the `me` and
`mine`. The me and the mine may be small, or may explode and embrace
the universe, but love remains.
When our `me` and `mine` explode and we become the universe, the mystics teach, we will love all things as a part of our self. Love is both the road to this transcendece and the destination. Only when we love all will we know the One. Only when we know the One will we be all love.
This brings me to the question, either one of my sons or I came up with. " Whats the answer to the question that doesnt exist?" The answer we came up with was Love!
This is all for now as one of my sisters has arrived and I will spend what little of the evening is left in her company.
Peace and soham to you all. Your brother Peter.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Why I cannot help but be a mystic

Mysticism - a definition. Mysticism is the art of union with Reality The Mystic is a person who has attained that union in greater or less degree; or who aims at and believes in Such attainment. What is reality? an inquirer may ask. Only the mystic can answer this and then in terms only other mystics will understand.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Be yourself. You can do a better job at it than anyone in the whole wide world!

Good day to you all. Have you noticed that I cant rectify any misstakes once the blog has been published? There is one other misstake which has cropped up with the programing beyond my control. The computer automaticlly a day out withe the date which appears automatically.
"You yourself, as much as any-body else in the entire universe, deserve your love and attention."
Now its the evening and my sons have gone home to be with their mother and stepdad, its just me, the dog and God, here. I gave Buster a hug. I used my arms as if Jesus no longer has any arms on earth but mine, to hug yours truly.
If you could see the smile upon face showing how glad I am that my sons like their father can be creative, you may say, `good job`.
Half-smile during your free moments
Anywhere you find yourself sitting or standing,
half-smile. Look at a child, a leaf, a painting on
the wall, anythig which is relatively still, and
smile. Inhale and exhale quietly three times.
Maintain the half smile and consider the spot
of your attention as your own true nature.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, 26 August 2011

Fish on Friday about The Cloud Of Unknowing.

Good day to all my brothers and sisters in Christ and also to visitors who are yet to meet with us.
In the medieval West, an anonymous author who translated the works of Dionysius into English for the first time also wrote a beautiful manuscript intriguingly titled The Cloud of Unknowing. It teaches that God is stilling the mind and opening the heart. He cannot be defined with the intellect, But only embraced with love. The author wrote:
God is always quite unable to be comprehended by the faculty of intelligence,
but he is totally and perfectly intelligible by the power of love. Every single
creature, moreover, will know him differently. Dwell on this if you have the
grace to do so, because to experience this for oneself is everlasting joy, and
the contrary is everlasting pain.
Even in the depths of prayer and loving mediation, however, there will still remain one barrier between the seeker and God, which the author describes as `a naked apprehension of your essential being`. To discover the all-embracing onesness of God, the mystic must relinquish his
sense of self. The release from the self is not within his power, but may only happen by God`s grace. This could not be otherwise. If thew mystic could transcend his self by his own volition, it would be like `pulling himself up by his own bootstraps`. The one thing he definitely cannot do is transcend himself....... to be continued, maybe!

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Good day my brothers and sisters.
Albert Einstein said, `I want to know God`s thoughts... the rest are details.` From childhood, he wondered what it would be like to be light. His scientific discoveries beautifully complement the paradoxical spiritual insights of the mystics. The mystics say that time and space are illusions. Einstein has scientifically shown that this is true. If we could move at the speed of light, these fundamental dimensions would cease to exist, ( Hmm, I believe my prayes travel at the speed of light!) Science teaches that from light`s point of viewthere is no space and no ime, just as the mystics teach that from God`s perspective there is only oneness and eternity
The mystics talk of the ultimate reality as the `All and Nothing`, using paradoxical phrases such as `The clear Light of the Void` and `The dazzling Darkness`. Science teaches us that if there were to be only pure light with nothing for it to illuminate, it would be paradoxically totally dark. Like God who cannot be seen, yet is evirywhere bringing all things into existance, light reveals reveals everything, yet is itself invisible. If I recall correctly, then in part of the communion service we attended this morning, we said, " Light from Light and true God from true God".
Modern physics wrestles with the paradox that light sometimes appears as made up of particals and sometimes as a wave, depending on the way the experiment is set up. This is directly comparable to our mystical observations about consciousness. From the perspective of our normal awareness each individual is a discrete -particle- of consciousness that we experience as you and `me` . But from the sublime mystical perspective there is only one consciousness and individuals are no more than `waves` rising and falling on this one ocean of being. When the mystic experiences pure consciousness he cease to experience himself as a distinct particle of consciousness, and knows himself to be a `wave` - a transitory disturbance on the Sea of God that is the ultimate and only true identity. There are waves, but they are wholly made up of the sea. The mystic ceases to focus on the objects which light reveals, and is aware of the one light which reveals them. He turns his attention from the contents of consciousness, and focused on consciousness Itself - the sense of `I AM`. He sees the light. He is enlightened.
Thats why my sister had made and gave me a present of the T shirt " Im a mystical spiritual being having a human experience." Okay, I am back having just located and ironed it, it is ready to pack.
From its earliest beginnings in the Greek Mystery Schools to the amazing modern insights of Albert Einstein, science has always been a source of mystical wonder. Einstein wrote:
The most important function of science is to awaken the cosmic religious feeling and keep it alive... It is very difficult to explain this feeling to anyone who is entirely without (outside) it. The individual feels the nothingness of human desires and aims and the sublimity and marvellous order which reveal themselves bothe in natur and int the world of thought, He looks upon individual existence as a sort of prison and wants to experience the universe* as a single significant whole.
* As I like to think of it uni-verse; one song.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Good day to all the people visiting my blog. Today has been a day of more preparation for my art performances at Greenbelt Christian music festival. Also Ive been trying to feed Buster, my trusty German sheepdog up, as when he went in the kennels last month, he lost some weight. It cost about twenty three pounds to get the POLITE / SACRED SERVICE t shirt printed, but I am well happy with the result.
"I am love! My heart can no longer contain its devouring flames. I love souls so deeply that I have sacrificed My life for them." It is this love that keeps me a prisoner in the tabernacle. For nearly twenty centuries I have dwelt there, day and night, veiled under the species of Bread and concealed in the small white Host, bearing through love, neglect, solitude, contempt, blasphemes, outrages, sacrileges....
For love of souls, I instituted the Sacrament of penance, that I might forgive them, not once or twice, but as often as they need it to recove grace. There I wait for them, longing to wash away their sins, not in water, but in My Blood.
I tell you my brothers and sisters, as a watchman we have to be on constant guard against that which would cut us assunder.
Dear Jesus, I am tired of the feelings that my life is meaningless and that I dont matter to anyone. Please forgive me of this sin and bring me home to the realization that there is a meaning and fulfillment in my life. I surrender my heart to you and ask that you take control of my life now. Thank you

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Be yourself. You can do a better job at it than anyone in the whole wide world!

Good day to you all. Have you noticed that I cant rectify any misstakes once the blog has been published? There is one other misstake which has cropped up with the programing beyond my control. The computer automaticlly a day out withe the date which appears automatically.

"You yourself, as much as any-body else in the entire universe, deserve your love and attention."
Now its the evening and my sons have gone home to be with their mother and stepdad, its just me, the dog and God, here. I gave Buster a hug. I used my arms as if Jesus no longer has any arms on earth but mine, to hug yours truly.
If you could see the smile upon face showing how glad I am that my sons like their father can be creative, you may say, `good job`.
Half-smile during your free moments
Anywhere you find yourself sitting or standing,
half-smile. Look at a child, a leaf, a painting on
the wall, anythig which is relatively still, and
smile. Inhale and exhale quietly three times.
Maintain the half smile and consider the spot
of your attention as your own true nature.
Thich Nhat Hanh

People who urge you to be realistic generally want you to accept their version of reality.

People who urge you to be realistic generally want you to accept their version of reality.
That includes them wanting you to accept that you are exactly how they perceive you to be!
It may well include them having their view of you stuck unchanging. Like men whose daughters are always daddys little girl, even in their forties.
I like the quote, I am an imortal spiritual being having a human experience. Infact I must like it that much that my eldest sister got it printed on a t-shirt and gave it to me for a present!
I leave you in Peace and Love. Soham, your bro Peter

Why I cannot help but be a mystic

Mysticism - a definition.
The Mystic
What is reality? an inquirer may ask. Only the mystic can answer this and then in terms only other mystics will understand.

Good day to all and goodnight to all and blessings.

As its the holidays and my sons have been off school. Now the boys are at home with their mother and step dad, I can be alone with the Buster, who is lying quietly (no, not like a politician.) Having mentioned the Buster reminded me to feed him.
Please if you can, then read the following as it is your own and it will be your own, as we are one.
Today I bestow the essence of Love upon everthing.
Everyone shall be lovely to me.
My soul meets the soul of the
universe in everyone.
Everything is beautiful, everything
is meaningful.
This Love is a healing power touch-
ing everything into wholeness,
healing the wounds of experience
with its divine balm.
I know that this Love essence
is the very Substance of life, the
creative principle back
of everything, flowing through
my whole being, spiritual
emotional, mental and
It flows in transcendent
loveliness into my world of
thought and form, ever renewing,
vitalizing, bringing joy, harmony
and blessing to everything and
everyone it touches.
Now before I share something I wrote and forgot about until just now when reading it bought tears to my eyes, I will share something by Mother Teresa.
"We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence; see the stars, sun and moon move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls."
Tracy my darling, when God gave you to me he never said that you were mine, that I could keep you always - only borrowed for a time. Now, He`s called you home. I`m sad and I shed a tear. Yet I`m glad he loaned you to me and we had those few shared years.
Your beloved Peter
That's left me a bit melancholy and so I shall leave you with the following by Jacqes Deval. " God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.
Okay , I shall leave you with something which would be a posative thing to say each morn upon awaking, say;
Today I am going to be
Today I am going keenly to
enjoy everything I do.
My mind is at an eternal
Love, Peace and blessings upon you all. Please pass it on. Bro Peter

Monday, 22 August 2011

Good morning and lets realize we are one. Bessings and peace

I send you radical self acceptance, power-full healing, and the miracle of your heart speaking - and you listening.
We are a gift, exactly as we are atthis moment, with no improvements.
We are all free spirits. We must choose to practice freedom.
We are a gift, exactly as we are at this moment, with no improvements. ( yep, I wondered a bit at this one.)
It isn`t easy for any of us to transend the past, or pain we might have suffered ( or for me, caused others!) Yet there are gifts in these pains, and we can choose to let light into the dark places. We are not alone!
We are each born creative - then we forget our purpose, or mission. We believe our doubts and fears, and slowly stop " being creative", as though it was a seperate thing.
Okay folks I have to go and walk the `Buster` now and also pick my other son up in twenty minutes, Josh my first born reeminded me. So ta ta for now, peace and soham.

Sunday, 21 August 2011


This is a work by Francis Bacon and myself. Although I have to mention that contributed by Bacon was done so posthumously. On the very left, in the middle is my interpretation of his own self portrait. I was laying in bed a short time ago, thinking how different people can hold very different images of us. Even ourselves. I know this from hard personal experience, growing up as I did from the age of two, developing a personality disorder. That though was cured in the six years I spent in hospital, from the age of twenty two.
So in my late twenties I emerged as from a chrysalis with an wholesome, productive personality and a loving creative spirit, yet still lacking spiritually due to my ego! That took the tragic death of my beloved wife and my brain injury. Back to personality, or persona. Persona meaning mask, was used during ritual drama in the Mystery Schools. We sometimes use drama in our church, All Saints in Luton. The secret imparted to the initiate in these mysticalrites was that the `personality` was no mor than a mask, and behind this mask lay his soul - his`higher self` which the ancients called the `genius`. This higher self is presently imprisoned within the physical body, which is no more than a shadow of the true self. From the point of view of the personality, the genius is experienced as a separate being - a guiding angel or inner guru. As the Greek philosopher Plato said, `We should think of the most authoritative part of our soul as a guardian spirit given by God, which lifts us from the earth towards our home in heaven. Having written that last sentence, a song from my youth came to mind. Im coming home I`ve done my time! Blessings, Love and peace to you all, from your brother Peter

More on mystics and the Mystery Schools

Whilst the Taoist sage Lao Tzu was reinvigorating Taoism in China, and the Buddha was transforming Hinduism in India, The great Greek sage Pythagoras ( Did you think he was only into maths?) was refining the mystical wisdom of the ancient Mystery Schools with teachings that he brought from the East.
The Mystery schools revealed through direct experience the perennial mystic teaching that life is a journey of spiritual awakening; Where we learn through a process how as humans we can attain a higher nature and become what the ancients called `gods` (not with a capital G.)
Plato said, `We should think of the most authoritative part of our soul as a guardian spirit given by God, which lifts us from the earth towards our home in heaven. That's partly the reason why there are those of us who whilst accepting the here and now, feel like strangers in a strange land. We do what we can whilst striving for the next incarnation! Peace and soham, your brother Peter G Kimble

Taoist Mysticism

You can`t see it, because it has no form.
You can`t hear it, because it makes no noise.
You can`t touch it, because it has no substance.
It cannot be known in these ways,
because it is the all-embracing Oneness.
It is not high and light,
or low and dark.
Indefinable yet continually present,
it is nothing at all.
It is the formless form,
the imageless image.
It can`t be grasped by the imagination.
It has no beginning and no end.
This is the essence Tao.
Stay in harmony with this acient presence,
and you will know the fullness of each resent moment.
Lap Tzu
Fifth - century BC Taoist sage

What the beep did they know

Had time to look at again (what the bleep do we know)Apparently Drew Barrymore raves on about it.Hmm, I don't know her, but believe she is an actor. Not always good to believe in the validity of all that actors say. Maybe Ronald Reagan was a good actor, but was he as good a politician? I'm asking, as I am not in the know. How good was the Philippine actor, Estrada at playing the part of a countries leader?
How about Bill Nighey ( not sure of spelling, but if you don't know who I am on about, then look up ` The banker` on you tube) for the job of English prime minister. Actual, if he did the acting on that free, then not only would he get my vote, Id go campaigning for him. That it until someone said , Peter stop it you are giving a good cause bad publicity. No surely they wouldn't. I can say Id recommend at least people watch the banker and if there isn't one in their country, then suggest people make American and Japanese versions. Yeah that's a challenge to get up of your arse, or stay where you are and get networking on it. Me? no as I am an artist with a brain injury I'm not exactly overwhelmed with contacts. (maybe the day will come and some good creative people will make it okay to get together on things with me. Okay I shall just have a quickie prayer for their souls anyway. Okay I threw in the anti overdose dose prayer for them as well. There are people though and I can count them on my hands, - no need for toes - who I thank God for the help they give to me.
So I am just on to the subject of how I can post , say this mornings blog this day, Sunday and when it is published on the Internet it shows as being posted the previous day. I do wonder if other people have this happen or is it just me?
Okay I am off to Mums and so if I don't do an evening blog will write, or right stuff tomorrow. Leaving you in peace and love, you brother Peter.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Spiritual Trials punishment or liberation!

Good day to you my brothers and sisters. From the bible comes `Be still and know I am god.` You will find it in all true faiths and philosophies.
Francouis Fenelon was a French Roman Catholic theologian, poet and writer. He was ordained at about the age of twenty four and joined a religious Order. He became an advocate of Quietism, which emphasized intellectual stillness and interior passivity as essential conditions of perfection.
Up until recently `I` would not think it reasonable for us as individuals to think it possible to attain perfection whilst on earth. Now though all is changing. Scientists can tell us in truth that particles can be in two places at the same time and in fact there is no real matter as such, all is just energy.
Moving on slightly and I have no idea where this is going, so you may know more than me. Origin (185 - 254) said that what is most necessary for understanding divine things is prayer.
If our concept of God is not an old white man with a long beard, sitting on a cloud, we can get to realizing we are all part of one body and lets just recognise that loving energy and be that power of love.
I understand that many people are still in their childish conceptions, where they be at strong and sometimes violent disagreement with other sects within there own faith. Believe me this is not just restricted to Christians, or Muslims. I have heard of Buddhist monks fighting over control of a monastery. These are all people stuck in the endless circle. Believing that because they are moving, they are going somewhere! Moderation is good, as too much thinking can be damaging to, or limiting to, our spiritual enlightenment.
An anonymous author who translated the works of Dionysius into English for the first time also wrote a beautiful manuscript intriguingly titled The Cloud of Unkowing. It teaches that God is known by stilling the mind and opening the heart. He cannot be defined by intellect, but only embraced with love. The author wrote:
God is always quite unable to be comprehended by the faculty of intilli-
gence, but he is totally and perfectly intelligible by the power of love.
Every single creature, moreover, will know him differently. Dwell on
this if you have the grace to do so, because to experience this for oneself
is everlasting joy, and the contrary is everlasting pain.
Now if I ask you to choose between everlasting joy, or everlasting pain, that would seem like a no brainer. Yet we can become accustomed to pain to the point where we dont notice it, yet are affected by it. The world says BUY IT, or tell us that coca cola is the real thing. We know thats a lie if we accept that there is no real thing as such, just pure energy. I am leaving you now my enlightened brothers and sisters, to go out over the park with the Buster and have a little exercise and a little dance. Enjoy this day, be loveing and know you are loved. Peter, your brother.

Winding down for the hay day. LUTON TOWN

Its hard to convey with my poor camera the sight I can see with my eyes. Just on the sky line and you can barely see it, is a tower that reminds me of the watts tower, in America. Then there is the things we may see in the clouds. I advise any of us who have children to teach them to lay on their backs outside occasionally and sky watch. I like it when two different layers of clouds are moving at different speeds. Also Ive seen dragons in clouds and even Winston Churchill with cigar and hat. I kid you not. I have even seen a herd of wild horses galloping in the heavens. Slowly I shall drift down to earth. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and relax. We are feeling peaceful and relaxed. We are content and I am aware of a slight smile on my face.
Quote for this wonderful day!
Every time I have the courage or gave others the courage to face their blindness, their mental anguish, or their spiritual agony and let other become part of the struggle. new creative energies became available and the basis of community was laid. Fear, shame, and guilt often make us stay in our isolation and prevent us from realizing that our handicap, whatever it is, can always become the way to an intimate and healing fellowship in which we come to know one another as humans.SJs
The above makes me think how often in races the horses that have been handicapped till win the race. So you ought to know that when I said years ago that it was better for me to have my wife die and leave me with with a brain injury, It could have been a bit selfish of me and if so then God almighty, I apologise. My beloved brother Alan has had his trials and triumphs as have lots of you.
I do think that if I hadnt been handicapped with this brain injury I would have become more materialistic and just concerned with my oun family and desires. Maybe though that is being too hard on myself!
Well to those of you who know I got rid of my television, but do - as well as read books - watch stuff on the internet; I am off to watch , `what the bleep do we know` on you tube.
Cor, next Friday God willing, we shall be off to Greenbelt music festival. Come about wednesday I shall do a bit of rehearsing with the props for my performance `peaces`. Now though I pray for all beings who are suffering to get some relief and know you are loved.
Your brother in Christ Peter

Luton sky on saturday night

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Thank God for this wonderful new day

Firstly I would like to thank the twenty nine people from Latvia that visited my last blog, welcome my brothers and sisters, in peace and love.
I awoke this morning about five am and started to do a meditation on the mala beads. Buster my trusty German Shepard was restless. It occurred to me that he needed to go outside more than the universe or I needed meditation at this time. Good call, as the poor thing had the runs and was so relieved to get over in the woods.
After I returned I watched `what the bleep do we know` again. O and yep, I did finish saying internally `Maranatha` on the mala beads. I don't know if you are old enough to remember the song, wherever I lay my hat that's my home. I'm kind of thinking, wherever I am that's my spiritual place. Ive not been ordained by any religious leader, because that would limit me to follow one particular set of creeds. My creator is part of me and I am part of him and brothers and sisters, like the universe we are expanding both outwards and inwards.
In a part of the service I took my mother to yesterday we took communion and said the words, we are part of one body. I had friend who when he saw me would say Jay shri Jesus and I would reply Jay Shri Krishna. To us it doesn't matter what name we call the awesome power of love that can create a universe and time from nothing, its about recognising that we are all one.
If you want peace on earth, then its down to you and me we are in this together, so firstly I ask you to forgive my imperfections and focus on what we get right.
Before there is peace on earth I ask and accept peace in this continent.
Before I ask for peace in this continent I ask and accept peace in this country.
Before I ask for peace in this country I ask and accept peace in this town.
Before I ask for peace in this town I ask and accept peace in this street.
Before I ask for peace in this street I ask and accept peace in this block of apartments.
Before I ask for peace in this block of apartments I ask for peace in this apartment.
Now I ask and receive peace in Buster and me.
This peace I give to you. I know there will be a time if not now, soon, when you realize how awesome you are and all self doubt falls off you and you know to your very core how amazing you are. How this human body which contains you, no longer restrains you, its only a temporary vehicle to use, so don't spend too much money or time on it unnecessarily.
Now this is all from me this morning. In just over an hour I will walk into town to go to the library and bank to ask for the cards lost yesterday to be replace. Thankful that I am able to walk, or run if I wish and sympathetic towards those who cant or for whom its painful.
Lastly I will share this affirmation with you, by our brother Ernest Holmes.
Truth lives forevermore at the center of my being.
I know that the faith that walked over the troubled
of human experience two thousand years ago, is at
the center of my being.
I know that the inner calm that stilled the tempest
is accessible to me today.
I know that the Truth within me is always
Peace and love and blessings to you'
from your brother Peter

Hows this for a mushroom

Good day to everyone. This is a musroom, infact I must be a small town boy, as its the biggest Ive seen. Due to its colour we didnt know if it was edible and so left it alone, much to its joy. That may be the last picture from our trip to the peak district I blog! I did notice that ther was one picture on two blogs, the money tree I think!
Been to have a session with the art therapist. The session was good and felt some achievement in the art produced and self improvement. Yet; and my sister was with me. I drew £50 from the bank on the way there. Stopped and I payed for us to have a coffee, then when we arrived at the art therapists house, my wallet wasnt in my pocket. So thats twice in a couple of weeks a wallet has gone. I know I prefer to lose stuff than loved ones, but its getting a bit beyond a joke. That was £50 today, £30 a week or two ago, then theres the driving licence, bank card etc etc. Im driving our mum over to a service at Dunstable priory at 6.30pm and I could have done with just quiet time to pray and meditate, so as to turn around any negative thoughts and feelings. Busters had an upset stomach and so I had two piles of his sick to clean up. Yet again I have to say, that something we expect with animals and humans. I was thinking of making some scrabbled egg with rice in the morning, but we will see. I will try ringing my sister Viv in five minutes and ask her advice. Its still raining, which makes me think about the places suffering drought needing it more than us. My mum just rung me and so I wont have time to ring Viv as she is just putting the kettle on. No time for a quote but have been watching `what the bleep do we know ` on you tube. ttfn Peter

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Evening Post. Its okay to cry alone!

I must say, the thing about brain damage is I can put the same piece of writing on two consecutive blogs. Well, its not going on this one.
It can be constructive to release tears of sadness or joy. The great thing about it is to experience our feelings as soon as possible and own them. As time goes by we may be able to have a spiritual detatchment from selfish emotions. When it comes to sadness or anger or joy, for other than ourselves, yet realizing that really we are all one; thats when we start to get it.
Once our tears are dried, we can feel kind thoughts and have love for our enemies. As I may have mentioned often, our worst enemy is often our self. So handle others as we ought to handle ourselves, with care and forgiveness!
Lets affirm, Its not important to be perfect, but I must strive to be authentically me .
I am you are we are love.
My thoughts and prayers tonight are with all those who have been affected and infected with destructive rioting. They must allow themselves to be open to healing, even if at the moment they are in a dark place. Peace. Love and soham to all, from your brother Peter

I dont like being a tec ludite, but I like this picture

This is a photo of a bridge I took out in the peak district last week. My neighbour, Long could proberbly rotate it and may do later if he sees this blog. He is a good man and has o a couple of occasions let me climb over his balcony to mine, when I have locked myself out. Anyway the thing I like about this bridge is the way the maker encorporated the natural curves in the wood. Also its a bit rough hewn, like moi.
Mystics Journey withGod.
Great Suffering Deep Love. Deep prayer.
The Mystics Prayer
Give me oh God
Deep thoughts
High dreams
Few words
Much silence
The narrow path
The wide outlook
The end in peace
In the evening of life we will be judged on love alone. St John of the cross.
I gotta go as my son wants to use the computer.
Hope to get back on in three or four hours.
Peace, love and soham to all

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Money in art.

Good day. Firstly I would like to correct one of many mistakes I made yesterday. It was the Peak district I was in, not the lake district. Secondly, I want you to overlook, not dwell on any errors in spelling or whatever that appear in my blogs. Otherwise You will miss the point. Okay , this picture is what we call the `Money tree`. and is a fallen tree that we and countless others have hammered coins in. Producing in my mind,a collective piece of art! WHO SAID, ` LIFE WITHOUT ART WOULD BE A MISTAKE?` i KNOW. Its nearly 4.30 am so I shall pop back to bed for awhile to see if perchance I can dream. You know, for awhile I was disappointed in only having one follower of my blogs, but now feel blessed. Okay, also slightly remorseful, at being drawn into an ego thing. Ive heard of ego as standing for Edging God Out, this is apt, even for those who are able only to have a concept of God as a universal commonality, which strives to evolve goodness in light. Blah. Sometimes Ijust got to shut up before pure drival starts coming out of me. Saying this, I will depart from my own writing and leave you with anothers.
In the evening of life we will e judged on love alone. St John of the cross
The Mystics Prayer
Give me oh God
Deep thoughts
High dreams
Few words
Much silence
The narrow Path
The wide outlook
The End in peace
Abide in peace, banish cares, take no account of all that happens, and you will serve God according to his good pleasure and rest in him. St John of the Cross
I shall leave you with this little mantra which I often use. `I am you are we are Love`
Your little brother, Peter

Monday, 15 August 2011

2nd post shows I am not an old trout!

See how I shot a living creature, yet there is a peacefull absence of violence. I was a foot or two from this lovely fish. I will admit, the urge to tickle it and pull it from the water crossed my mind, but it just kept on going. Thoughts dont become part of us unless they are held on to! Like me this fish was barely moving and yet fully existing in harmony with everything.
Take some time today to be still in thought and movement. Perhaps just notice your breath,whilst concious of the thought, `I am love`. This is good!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Not a bridge too far. How restfull this place.

I took this photo a couple of days ago on one of our walks in the peak district. If it wasnt for this wonderful bridge, this view would have seemed pretty much the same since post ice age. The use of the natural curves in the wood of both bridge and surrounding trees was intrinsic in my sense of the whole picture having a oneness with me the observer.
`Hopefully, we can build bridges, but we also have to draw lines.
` Fred Thompson.`
Now the Buster is back and has been very patient and so we will go for a well deserved run throught the woods at the back of here. Peace and love to you all and pass it on if possible. My thanks Peter

Good evening. Here is a picture taken in the lake district. I got one of my boys to take a picture just as I threw a rock in the water. No animals, fish, or other sentient beings were hurt during this artistic endeavour.

There was a river with ducks

Am back refreshed from walking in the Peak district.

Its good to be back home and my thanks to `Long` for his comment. I had some good times camping in the Peak district of northern England with my sons. Ive recharged my batteries ready to get to work on finalizing the performance pieces I aim to do at Greenbelt Christian music festival. I took a load of photos and done a couple of short videos, but luddite that I am , cant seem to put them on this blog. I may get help at some point if its meant to be. ( I click on add image and nothing happens!) I will be collecting Buster my faithful german sheep dog tomorrow and must be careful that his wagging tail doesnt knock me over. I will be so pleased to see him and also will have to get back to doing his training. Who knows, maybe he is thinking about my training!
Quotes for today; ` The going can be good, but returning better.` The artist P.G.Kimble
`Prosperity is living easily and happily in the real world, whether you have money or not.` Jerry Gillies.
I wish everyone, peace, love and soham. Your brother Peter.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Notice Blog going offline for one week in preparation for Greenbelt festival

Ive got to stop blogging for just over one week, as Greenbelt music festival is coming up and I must spend time preparing and rehearsing two pieces of performance art.
So my apologies to anyone who enjoys reading my blogs.
For me they are a journal which I'm happy to share with all who like to have an insight into the mind and life of an outsider, brain injured, mystic, Christian zen artist.
An experiment or challenge if you like
Now I do believe in a universal power of Love that is able to create a universe in space and time.
The intelligence behind this may be beyond our comprehension and yet you, or me recognising this is crucial; as we are part of it. It ignore this fact is leaving ourselves wide open to be knocked for six by negative forces. Realize it and negative will stop being harmfull and just be the other side of posative; immaterial. We are as are most things, energy. Going with the flow makes sense!
Ignore it and you wont stop being provided with stuff necassarily, but you may waste time on a wild goose chase. This is fine if we are aware and enjoy wasting time on wild goose chases.
My challenge for you - and realize there is NO finantial motive behind this. ( you will not find any of my artwork for sale on this website)
I shall probable be offline for up to ten days. Greenbelt starts on the 19th through to 22nd. So back to my challange. Number one visitors to my website are from the united kingdom, which isnt surprising as I am a British artist. I wont give you all the stats, but will say the site has been looked at from America to China. The point is this. We all share this one world and I want you to share my website with as many people and in as ingenius ways as you can come up with. This is how you become part of an art movement that is not about being one of the fashionable people; its pure love for creation. What follows came to me from the 15th century via Kabir and now to you from me.
Between the conscious and the unconscious, the mind has put up a swing: all earths creatures, even supernovas, sway between these two trees, and it never winds down.
Angels, animals, humans, insects by the million, also the wheeling son and moon; ages go by, and it goes on.
Everything is swinging: heaven, earth, water, fire and the secret one growing a body.
Kabir saw that for fifteen seconds, and it made him a servant for life.
" How can my poor prayers help anyone, when I myself am so sinful?" asked someone. Sundar pointed to the clouds. " The sun draws salt water from the sea yet when it falls again to the earth its is clean and pure and drinkable. The sun has cleansed it. So it is with God and our prayers". "A Christian " he declared, "is a man who has fallen in love with Christ."
My prayer today is that all who read this will feel the love in you and will have joy sharing it, especially with people and other life we dont know. I pray for the soul of my late wife, Tracy who died tradgically in her twenties. For the gifted and troubled Amy winehouse. For all prisoners and sick. I pray the power of love reaches all who feel life is hopeless. Finally may God bless you and show us all his Love. Your brother Peter. ps. I once again, beg you, not for money, like a lost street child in the third world- God bless them - who wants money to by glue to sniff and escape miserable reality for a brief time - but only for you to pass my website on to all you can.
I want art to be a posative change for good in our universe my brother and sisters. Oh yes anyone who recognises me at greenbelt in a couple of weeks please introduce yourself. bfn.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Sunday And first or thirst, quote for the day.

Good day to all.
Took my son to bee keeping this morning, but it was rained off. So leastways the thirsty ground has been sated.
The Universe is in each
person in such a way
that each person is in it;
and so every person in
the Universe is the
Nicholas of
Gregory of Nyssa, said that every concept grasped by the mind becomes on obsticle in the quest to those who search.
The fourth century mystic Evagrius Pontus taught his monks to put aside all images and ideas, and `approach the Immaterial in an immaterial manner`. Prayer means the shedding of thought,` he explains.
Sometimes that is my approach to a painting. I still the mind and look at the canvas , then pick up a brush. Dip it in paint, then in any number of ways get the paint onto the canvas. Not that I always use a brush. Sometimes the paint gets to canvas directly from its bottle. Sometimes I use my fingers. I try not to think when painting in this manner and just am; spontainious!
Maybe when Im not thinking how I want to do a painting and empty my mind of thoughts, God can take over!
Okay I am leaving you now with my love and peace for all beings. Your brother Peter

Saturday, 6 August 2011


In 1945 some Japenese soldiers in a jungle somewhere hadnt been informed that the war was over. So until some time later someone informed them, there continued to believe they were at war. Now, I dont know about you, but I am sometimes my worst enemy. I want to call a truce with myself. I declare peace with myself and the whole world. I accept my vunerability and that of others.

Gods got to exist otherwise Im raging against nothing. If I gently weep will he feel my tears?


Wayfarers are the change agents of of sociaty. Wayfarers are the ones who know first. Who sense earliest the disturbance in the fabric of human affairs - the trends, the coming ground swells, the revolutions that are afoot.


At times If something isnt working properly we have to dismantle it in the workshop, replace a broken part, or identify a missing one, Then replace, or fix it. Then again like my brain injury, we often have to accept this cant be done, yet admit we have to do our best.
One of my sons and Buster are with me today and although I am only sharing this with you. Last night and today so far has been one long dark night of the soul. Strange how we can be multi faceted and one could describe me as a bit of a rough diamond. Not polished yet many can see the light to some extent though me. Can they see the heaviness I feel on those odd days which are troubled by pain, sadness and fear?
I'm not trying to bring anyone down. Contrary, I am trying through writing this, to lift myself out of a dark cloud, as I want to be a ray of sunshine where I go today.
I am practicing a serene smile, which I shall go and test on my son. (after checking in the mirror that I have the right one!) Yep, do you remember Stevie Smith, saying , `Not waving, but drowning`? I don't know if I mentioned that some years ago,in the Philippines in the night I went swimming away from the sea shore not knowing if I`d make it back. After I was two to three miles out it occurred to me that my sons life might not become better if I kept swimming out to sea. It can be cathartic when one feels lost and out at sea, to actually swim a mile or two out. I can tell you and especially in the dark, it crossed my mind,what if on swimming back I get cramps and drown. That can bring one the feeling of passion for life gain!
My son is doing a good copy of a Banksy, where a teddy bear is throwing a petrol bomb. I shall leave you all to spend some time attending to him. Peace and blessings to you. Peter

Friday, 5 August 2011

Fish on Friday: you choose, enlightenment or blissfull ignorance!


Ignoring wise and sound advice was an oft failing in my youth. Even as an adult I at times ignored the wise words of others. Yet thank goodness, more times than this I turned away from the darkness and those who lurk in the shadows to prey upon unsuspecting victims.

Yet I know there was a reason for me to fall into those places in the past that many Holy men and women will hardly venture. Jesus after dying for all thats seperated me from my Holy Fathers love, went down into hell and back, to give me the message that my debt has been paid in full. So now a new man whom God almighty and all the angels and saints can now see, transformed, by my brother Jesus who took my place. I strive to live the words, I no longer live but Christ lives in me.

Okay, I know I have two sons. Id thought when we didnt know if theyd be boys or not, that Id call a girl, Rebecca. Now I know why this didnt happen. I hadnt yet become enlightened enough to realise she should be called `Sophia` meaning, Holy wisdom!
Also back then although I was following Jesus and all the saints; my ego was still a hurdle I couldnt breach. Is that the right word? Should we quibble over semantics.

How about a joke!

When God was handing out brains I thought he said, drains and replied, `May I have a small clean one.`

Now my son has just said has has God got a sense of humour, because it will be quite boring spending eternity with Him otherwise. Of course He has and even SHE has. If you get it you get it, but if you dont, why not cut me a bit of slack. Its friday and its been a long week. Saying that though, the head dog trainer, as well as the others were very impressed with the work me and Buster have put into his training! Lets work towards being part of the one body. So its Love, create, play, pray and meditate. Bye bye for now my beautys. You Bro Peter.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Thursday morning quicky. Relax dont do it.

Hello my brother and sisters I have just got back from taking my mother to our Thursday morning Eucharist service. I did do an early morning blog , yet it dissapeared when I tried to publish it. Maybe this was to show me that we mustnt be too proud of our own work.
A saying for us today comes anonymously from the sixteenth century.
Thanks gentle moon, for thy
obscured light;
My love and I betrayed, thou set us
This reminds me of someone saying that the moon has no light of its own, yet reflects light to us from the sun.
Thinking of some of the words from a favourite hyme, Amazing Grace. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.
Leads me to say I see the light, then I have a dark night of the soul. Then once more the light.
Becoming enlighted is not something we ourselves achieve, but is given freely to us when we let go of the darkness that is our ego self. Also the words, `Deny thyself` are not self limiting, they are powerfully, spiritually liberating. I no longer live yet Christ lives in me. Also, those who claim to live in him should walk as Jesus did. Those are two very powerfull pieces of scripture.
If I may, I should like to share a quote with you by Paulo Coelho;
In order to have faith in his own path,
a warrior does not need to prove
that someone else`s path is wrong
Its been raining for a few hours now, yet its only far to the Buster that he should be allowed out for anther run so I shall try to save and publish this. Im going to have a session with Kate, my aforensic art therapist later this afternoon and then this evening The boys, my elder sister Viv and me, will be taking the Buster to his obedience class. So brothers and sisters I leave you with peace and Love. Your brother of light, Peter

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Not only Oprah Winfrey shares what shes been reading!

Oprah Winfrey, obviously has more people attentive to what she reads, than I do. Thats fine and I hope she feels she is accomplishing her dreams. This said, I dont think its of less importance to share what Ive been reading, with a much, much, much reduced audiance.
So following are my selection from Paulo coelho, Life, Selected quotations.
The warrior of light
knows that intuition is God`s alphabet
and so he continues listening to the wind
and talking to the stars.
Hmm, its just occured to me that reading the Manual of the warrior of light could be a useful aid, in equiping me to battle through all foes on this adventure I have agreed to undertake. I could do with some more allies, if anyone is listening. Creative people lets collect together in unity, under the banner of Love! Peace and love to all creatures from your brother Peter.
There are moments when troubles enter our lives
and we can do nothing to avoid them.
But they are there for a reason.
Only when we have overcome them
will we understand why they were there.
A warrior of light
is capable of understanding the miracle of life,
fighting to the end for something
in which he believes and, then,
listening to the bells that the sea sets
ringing on the seabed.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Tuesday and terrible acident means lots of writing lost.

That just me ranting a bit cos I spent ages typing out a long poem Id written in 1999 in los pinas, Manila. Im not typing it all in again today. My sons been so good in waiting to go on the computer.
for a quote today I shall share some Hindu scripture.
Absence of attachment to
sense-objects is
liberation; desir for
sense-objects is bondage.
Understand this fact,
and then do as you
Ashtavakra Gita
I shall leave you now with love and peace to you and all beings. Brother Peter

The following poem, I wrote in the Laspinsa Manilla 1999

Good morning, just here. Its interesting for me to see how lifes circumstances and time affect everything. Me and my ex wife were staying with some family friends in their apartment in Manilla. There really was a mouse living in a wall of the room we slept in and it did take the food I gave to it. It gave me the understanding that we were linked as are all things.
No small change understanding room only
Confuscious, comfusion, computers.
There is much to learn
and much to forget.
Dont stir up and keep alive
Sour angry thoughts,
Nor people do despise.
Im wiser than the mouse!
Remember me your brother
Im no dog, or unwanted headlouse.
Yet, its me who feeds the mouse.
Not for mypleasure,
or anyones dissdain.
Indeed for its hunger
I must feed and without question
I do give to her passion
Would I ask for understanding
If I had enough myself
and more to give.
Would I beg for time to change if
I didnt want you to like
The man I hope to be?
How do I want to live?
I cannot live a lie.
I wish my dreams to fly.
Whats past is gone.
I have few recollections to give.
Just this handfull of of memories to pass on.
Buster has been out for a good run this morning.
So now a quote for today;
Absence of attachment to
sense-objects is
liberation; desire for
sense-objects is bondaage.
Understand this fact,
and then do as you please.
Ashtavakra Gita
Hindu scripture
Peace and love to all who read this. Brother Peter

Monday, 1 August 2011

Mystic Artist explains typos

A part of who I am at this present moment is someone who at times has to struggle with the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. Its hard enough at times to succeed in getting the blogs published, so sometimes if I try to rectify misstakes Im unable to. This doesnt detract from my journey of enlightenment and in many ways has been a revelation to myself and maybe others.
A person wouldnt just have to be a fan of outsider artists to get something from my site.
Soham and peace to all life. Your brother Peter