Sunday 21 August 2011

More on mystics and the Mystery Schools

Whilst the Taoist sage Lao Tzu was reinvigorating Taoism in China, and the Buddha was transforming Hinduism in India, The great Greek sage Pythagoras ( Did you think he was only into maths?) was refining the mystical wisdom of the ancient Mystery Schools with teachings that he brought from the East.
The Mystery schools revealed through direct experience the perennial mystic teaching that life is a journey of spiritual awakening; Where we learn through a process how as humans we can attain a higher nature and become what the ancients called `gods` (not with a capital G.)
Plato said, `We should think of the most authoritative part of our soul as a guardian spirit given by God, which lifts us from the earth towards our home in heaven. That's partly the reason why there are those of us who whilst accepting the here and now, feel like strangers in a strange land. We do what we can whilst striving for the next incarnation! Peace and soham, your brother Peter G Kimble

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