Monday, 8 August 2011

Notice Blog going offline for one week in preparation for Greenbelt festival

Ive got to stop blogging for just over one week, as Greenbelt music festival is coming up and I must spend time preparing and rehearsing two pieces of performance art.
So my apologies to anyone who enjoys reading my blogs.
For me they are a journal which I'm happy to share with all who like to have an insight into the mind and life of an outsider, brain injured, mystic, Christian zen artist.
An experiment or challenge if you like
Now I do believe in a universal power of Love that is able to create a universe in space and time.
The intelligence behind this may be beyond our comprehension and yet you, or me recognising this is crucial; as we are part of it. It ignore this fact is leaving ourselves wide open to be knocked for six by negative forces. Realize it and negative will stop being harmfull and just be the other side of posative; immaterial. We are as are most things, energy. Going with the flow makes sense!
Ignore it and you wont stop being provided with stuff necassarily, but you may waste time on a wild goose chase. This is fine if we are aware and enjoy wasting time on wild goose chases.
My challenge for you - and realize there is NO finantial motive behind this. ( you will not find any of my artwork for sale on this website)
I shall probable be offline for up to ten days. Greenbelt starts on the 19th through to 22nd. So back to my challange. Number one visitors to my website are from the united kingdom, which isnt surprising as I am a British artist. I wont give you all the stats, but will say the site has been looked at from America to China. The point is this. We all share this one world and I want you to share my website with as many people and in as ingenius ways as you can come up with. This is how you become part of an art movement that is not about being one of the fashionable people; its pure love for creation. What follows came to me from the 15th century via Kabir and now to you from me.
Between the conscious and the unconscious, the mind has put up a swing: all earths creatures, even supernovas, sway between these two trees, and it never winds down.
Angels, animals, humans, insects by the million, also the wheeling son and moon; ages go by, and it goes on.
Everything is swinging: heaven, earth, water, fire and the secret one growing a body.
Kabir saw that for fifteen seconds, and it made him a servant for life.
" How can my poor prayers help anyone, when I myself am so sinful?" asked someone. Sundar pointed to the clouds. " The sun draws salt water from the sea yet when it falls again to the earth its is clean and pure and drinkable. The sun has cleansed it. So it is with God and our prayers". "A Christian " he declared, "is a man who has fallen in love with Christ."
My prayer today is that all who read this will feel the love in you and will have joy sharing it, especially with people and other life we dont know. I pray for the soul of my late wife, Tracy who died tradgically in her twenties. For the gifted and troubled Amy winehouse. For all prisoners and sick. I pray the power of love reaches all who feel life is hopeless. Finally may God bless you and show us all his Love. Your brother Peter. ps. I once again, beg you, not for money, like a lost street child in the third world- God bless them - who wants money to by glue to sniff and escape miserable reality for a brief time - but only for you to pass my website on to all you can.
I want art to be a posative change for good in our universe my brother and sisters. Oh yes anyone who recognises me at greenbelt in a couple of weeks please introduce yourself. bfn.

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