Wednesday 27 June 2012

Eureka I finally realized the Koan I had set myself.

Eureka, yes it came to me not in a bath, maybe as the displacement of water was not involved in the answer. 
Okay and so to the koan. What is the answer to the question which doesnt exist. 
I realized awhile ago that the answer is love, as love is the true answer to all things. 
Yet this didnt answer for me why it was the particular answer to the question that doesnt exist!
It is - and you must realize this is not set in stone - because God is love, and is all that existed before the universe. Even if God asked himself questions, surely he had to have the answer!
I am going to leave this here for the moment, before I think myself into a box. 

Thinking is something I am trying to keep to only necessary occupation in my time passing each day.

Being without thinking or feeling too much is a good goal!

So now I shall share some art of mine which I took pictures of earlier this day.


It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know.
Henry David Thoreau

 As you can see in the whole picture above, it is not a neat box shape as a bit got `accidentally` torn off.
Allegorical artwork!  I like the earthy colours. I enjoy sharing my blogs with you and of course my feelings and thoughts. Also if you follow the blogs then you will know I put a lot in which has not originated from me and yet is important enough to me that I want to share it with you, my brothers and sisters. I say this as I have copied some writing into a notebook and will if it is meant to be, post it on a later blog to you.

Have a good day and know that you are loved. God so loved the world He realized that you could cope with my website. So pass it on; with the love!
Your bro Peter.  

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