Friday 29 June 2012

Fish on Friday Comes to us today from God via Jean Pierre De Caussade

Greetings peace and love to you my brothers and sisters. May we all be blessed this day and in turn bless all we encounter.

1675 - 1751

`A man who is master of his subject, passionately in
earnest about it and passionately eager to communicate it to 
others`, is one critic`s impression of de Caussade. At only nineteen,
in training for the Jesuit priesthood at Toulouse, he was already 
teaching others classics. Later he taught grammar, physics
and logic. But his true vocation, that of a spiritual guide, did
not become fully apparent until after his death when the nuns
  of Nancy, to whom he had been spiritual director, put together
the notes of the lectures he had given them. These where circulated 
under the title Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence. The work
soon became popular, for de Caussade`s insights had been forged in
the fires of experience-not least his struggle with growing blind-
ness. It was not until 1861 that Self-Abandonment was edited into its
final form. Since then it has gone through no less than twenty-five 

------------------------ THE GOSPEL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT -------------------

The Holy Spirit . . . writes his own gospel, and he writes it in the hearts of the faithful. All the actions, all the moments of the saints make up the gospel of the Holy Spirit. Their holy souls are the paper, their sufferings and their actions are the ink. The Holy Spirit, with his own action for pen, writes a living gospel, but it will not be readable until the day of glory when it will be taken out of the printing press of this life and published.
  What a beautiful history! What a fine book the Holy Spirit is writing now! The book is in the press, there is no day on which the letters which make it up are not being composed, on which the ink is not applied and the sheets printed. But we dwell in the night of faith; the paper is blocker than the ink, the characters are all in confusion; the language is not of this world, nothing can be understood of it. You will be able to read this book only in heaven.
  Teach me, Divine Spirit, to read in this book of life! I wish to become your disciple and like a simple child believe what I cannot see. Enough for me that my master speaks. He says so-and-so, he groups the letters of the book like this, he makes himself understood in that way; it is enough, I judge according to what he says. I do no see why but he is the infallible truth, all that he says or does is truthful. He wills that this word should be composed of so many letters, that that word should need another number . . . Everything is significant, there is a perfect meaning everywhere
. . . I believe this now, and when the day of glory reveals so many mysteries to me, I shall see what at present I can only understand confusedly, and what now seems so complicated, so haphazard and imaginary will entrance and charm me eternally by its beauty, by the order, reason, wisdom and incomprehensible wonders that I shall find in it.



Theres a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
                        Steven Wright

Follow me and I shall make you fishers of men. Matt 4:19

Farewell today my brothers and sisters. 
Also for those of us interested in a more spiritual than physical existence, there will be a later, full on Divine Post.

Till then go and serve The Lord,
Your brother Peter.   

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