Tuesday 19 June 2012

Mon 7.30am and painting is dry, as am I.

Good day brothers and sisters,
I trust that you are well and in good spirit.

What is our purpose?

To know the truth!

That is what sets us free.
The truth is what what sets you free from animals.

Yet animals are more free than most humans who carry too much upon themselves. So there is work left to do!

The truth is what it looks like it is and all honest, rational people know it.

The truth is no wonderful fairy tale. It was inconceivably long and brutal.

If you become a spiritual being, you live the best possible life here, and when you die, you go to a place religions call heaven. It is a place without pain where everyone is fulfilled: there are all positives and no negatives.

You/we can believe the above not to be true and it will in all likely hood not become true.

On the other hand we can believe it is true and it will in all likely hood be true.



The image directly above is definitely on its side,but I am not sure about the top one, so you make your own mind up. Remember, that some of my art `Peace`s` are meant to be viewed from all sides. Hmm, someone is going to pose the question, "What about, inside?" Well my friends I am an outsider who sometimes works on the inside.  Right now I am off into town to attempt to get some coloured oil pastels and paper/card.
You all have a good day & be love. Your bro Peter.

Ps I liked The Fall on YouTube - KIMBLE - Peel session.

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