Friday, 22 February 2013

Fish on friday: Why us Christians should be glad to be considered lesser than Jews & Muslims.

Good day to you, both brothers and sisters in Christ and those yet to be sanctified (made saints).

Firstly I should state that only yesterday I took my mother to All Saints church, here in Luton, Bedfordshire England. Where we partook in the Eucharist (Bread and wine which was consecrated by a priest, so becoming the flesh and blood of Jesus.). Maybe some would say that Luton is to England, that which Nazareth was to Israel.  
Why should I say that us Christians are lesser people than Jews or Muslims? Because if you look in the Holy Bible, you will see one of the apostles saying, "I no longer live, yet not I but Christ lives in me." Sin is separation from God. So when Jews state that the land they occupy some of which they have taken from Palistinians, is theirs, they put themselves above us. We as Christians can own nothing as all we have belongs to God. If a person comes to us and says, "Give me your jacket", we are meant to do so and offer them our shirt as well. If someone strikes us on one cheek, then we offer them the other. Think of Jesus as I do, carrying my cross with which He was to be nailed to for all my wrongs. He was the unblemished lamb, offered up as a sacrifice to pay for my missdeads. Now I have realised my debt to God and it has been paid in full, I am no longer a slave to this material world of desire for things or bodily satisfaction/sensuality. I infact no longer live, yet Christ lives in me. 
A slave cannot just decide not to serve his master, nor have two masters. This is why there are many false Christians who with with their mouths shout `Lord, Lord.` yet with their whole bodies and actions, actually serve their selves(their flesh and this world.)
To consider yourself a worldly person, is to accept part responsibility for the way this world is run. 
It appears to me that the love of money/power is the  Lord and master of so many in this present world.
I really must try harder to visit the Quaker meeting house as I may well find more true brothers and sisters there than I do in other Christian denominations. I have shared meals with Hindu and visited a lovely Hindu temple near Watford, which was donated by George Harrison (one of The Beatles) the worshippers felt more like my brothers and sisters than some of the baptists, Anglicans, catholics, Jehovah witnesses  and others I have encountered here. I should at least be thankful that none of these have thrown stones at me, like the teenage muslim boys did, when me and Buster (my german sheep dog) were walking through Bury park, here in Luton to visit my mother!
It is almost light enough now to take pictures of the latest painting. So I shall go now, have a coffee and then return here to share more with you, my brothers and sisters.

                     For those who are new to my work, I must inform you
                                          that my photographic ability is poor in demonstrating this art to its fullness. Alas you cannot be here with me to share it! So these are all images from the one painting. Each of these I would show in greater detail, if but I had the ability, which I am sure there must be one of you with greater photographic skills than my amauterish attempts. Till then we will have to make do!

It may not be too difficult for us to spot where the individual pictures fit in as there parts of the bigger picture, but how about you and me and where do we fit in!
Your bro Peter.  As always share this and my love with others


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