Monday, 4 February 2013

Kurt Schwitter

Somebody said to a saint, "You seem to be attached to smoking." The  saint  responded,  "And  you  seem  to  be  attached to non-smoking." 
                           Not everything is black and white
                            Even this sheet got some colour.

So my brothers and sisters, and also my sons (but they rarely visit my website.) Still though I pray you all have a good day and are able to gain something good and also give more that you get. I say this as there is a saying, He/She gives as good as they get! It is often heard in context of this person can stick up for themselves.
Then there is sayings like, `It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.` Until we know what happened we have no idea what the person is like. On the one hand we can hear someone has been honoured with a prestigious award, then on the other hand someone was defrocked and imprisioned for sexual misconduct and fraud.
What I find intersting is the reason I am trying to judge others less is  
that I am trying to be at one with everyone more.
Another thing I am to do today is share some art done today and yesterday. Some is just experimenting and not art in my conception that is a finished product. I suppose I am showing some of the bits we try and have to move from, but are essential stages in our progress. On an entirely different note, this is I have no anger or blame for myself or others that have caused hurt in the past. If others havent learnt positive lessons and grown better, then I cannot carry their guilt. Now I shall share my art.

                      If us artists are to keep intouch with the child inside ourselves, then we mustnt balk at doing colouring in. It can be relaxing and meditative.

Having just looked in my diary, I have seen that I am meant to be visiting studio upstairs in London tomorrow, with the intention of spending regular days there, working at my art and life. It is all one.
All is that.
It is starting to snow between here and up north and so my sister doesnt know if she will be comeing down.
Apparently were meants also to be going to the Tate modern to see the Kurt Schwitters exibition! That though ought to be there for a while.

Have a good day my brothers and sisters and know that, that which I AM loves you and wants you to feel love until it overflows from you.  Hey, I know that it is already coming from one or two of you like water gushing from a shattered dam. Bless you. Your bro Peter.  

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