Good day sisters & brothers to you and all.
The first quote comes courtesy of our sister Viv in Sheffield England.
As far as I am concerned, a painting speaks for itself. What is the use of giving explanations, when all is said and done? A painter has only one language. ~Pablo Picasso
These six pictures originate from the painting below them. (Yeah I know thats and explanation, but cut me some slack, I am not as well known as Picasso and he didnt have a brain injury!)
So my brothers and sisters, the above painting - which is photographed on its side - was done yesterday and the one pictured below - which is still wet - today.
So todays art from me with words from our brother The Buddha.. (The last words will be from the new and old testaments of The Bible.)
The mind is wavering and restless, difficult to guard and restrain: let the wise man straighten his mind as a maker of arrows makes hes arrows straight.
Like a fish which is thrown on dry land, taken from his home in the waters, the mind strives and struggles to get free from the power of Death.
The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies wherever it likes: it is difficult indeed to restrain. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy. ( note from me, (Peter) we do have to be aware of negative forces within government, religion, or even our own family, trying to subvert us!)
Invisible and subtle is the mind, and it flies after fancies wherever it likes; but let the wise man guard well his mind, for a mind well guarded is a source of great joy.
Hidden in the mystery of consciousness, the mind, incorporeal, flies alone far away. Those who set their mind in harmony become free from the bonds of death.
He whose mind is unsteady, who knows not the path of Truth, (Jesus said, "I am the way, the Path and the Truth" and I say from the Bible, that I no longer live, yet not I but Christ lives in me..) whose faith and peace are ever wavering, he shall never reach fullness of wisdom.
But he whose mind in calm self-control is free from the lust of desires, who has risen above good and evil, he is awake and has not fear.
Considering that this body is frail like a jar, make your mind strong like a fortress and fight the great fight against MARA (the demon who will tempt you to stray from your true path, or way.), all evil temptations. After victory guard well your conquests, and ever for ever watch.
(We Christians do well to be watchmen and women and the watchtower can be our mind!)
For before long, how sad! This body will lifeless lie on the earth, cast aside like a useless log.
An enemy can hurt an enemy, and a man who hates can harm another man, but a man`s own mind, if wrongly directed, can do him a far greater harm.
A father or a mother, or a relative, can indeed do good to a man; but his own right-directed mind can do to him a far greater good.
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3
Hey, my brothers and sisters, when we rise above petty squabbles over the rights and wrongs of and in this troubled world, we will be one in a love beyond religion, science and matter. Love will triumph as it is the only real substance and all else is exclusionary. So lets join together as visionaries and be united in true Love, which is boundless. Remember folks also that my domain cannot be renewed for reasons beyond my control; though we will not know for sure until Saturday 1st June. The chap that's putting up the new site for me is going to give it a name as near to this one as possible, so it wont be `` Look out for or I may be able to let you know tomorrow or Friday!
Whatever folks, I will still be here somewhere and in some shape or form, unless of course I ascend before then, but that's unlikely. Know that you are loved and appreciated and please pass this on. Bless you. Your bro Peter.