Thursday, 2 May 2013

Thursday and blessings be with us all. What though is the good news today?

Good day my brothers and sisters.

For all my brothers and sisters in China, I pray you will enjoy this national holiday.


 I know that this is not what people would normally associate with holiday, but I am invoking my artistic license here
Before I share some photos of my latest art, which I have to confess to you, I haven't yet taken pictures of as I am awaiting on the sun to rise more into this mornings sky;

                                   As you can see there is at this moment
                                                    still half the moon showing.     

                            Then I noticed one of my friends, a spider. Looked a bit like
                                                         a giant spider hanging down over the moon. It was though
                                                         in reality just hanging around the window. Or was it!  

 I will tell you what I done on arising and after doing the `Maranatha ` on prayer beads (106). I thought, `what is the good news today!` Typing it into the search engine I was informed; "The Good News shows how God makes people right with himself - that it begins and ends with faith." Romans 1.17

The Bible says, "For Christ`s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all. (Corinthians 5.13)
Now I would like to say that for me and those of you whom would like to join me, it would be a good time to remember St Thekla, a saint and sister of the early church. Here are some words to remember her with. `O bride of God, Thekla, You were enlightened by the words of Paul, and your faith was confirmed by Peter, O chosen one of God. ( I encourage you to look up this early saint.)
Because of society in those times being so patriarchal, the books of the Bible were written by men and men were whom featured predominantly in positions of importance. Also of course the early Christian church came about when the Roman empire was so dominant. Men of power were threatened by their wives following a religion that said abstinence was spiritually rewarding, especially abstaining from sexual relations! That got a few flung to the lions. Hey, dont take my word for it. Look it up. Also heck I am a man, but am now compelled to be an honest follower of all that is good and not all that feels good!  The difference between reality and illusion. 

            Oops, now for my art! Enjoy this blog and pass it on, please. It may please others and for sure it will please me. 
Also, you will be an instrumental person in making my art and me known in the world. For sure there are many people from different countries coming to this blog and being as one. Blessings and prosperity to us all as one.

                                    I like the red.

This one above is meant to be viewed this way and can also be viewed turned to the right (see infinity signature.) Of course if someone prints copies of my art they can look at it however they want. I may well do a large work this year that would go on a ceiling!

Today though, more of us and yes even us men can see the importance of Women in Gods love for us. Didn't Jesus after telling people at a wedding they had had enough to drink, turn water into wine at the behest of His mother!  They can be the handmaids of the Lord, not our sex objects. Yes look at how the world presents women and they themselves can go along with it for their own reasons. Look at Madonna and Lady Gaga. These women though are just portraying an image that is not real. The real Madonna wept at the foot of the cross on which her son was being tortured to death like a common criminal. 

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