Thursday, 9 May 2013

Thank you for coming here, please feel this is where you are meant to be awhile.

You are loved and you are loving more and more everyday. There is a lot of black and white in todays blog, but my brothers and sisters, its not going to be all black and white. Believe you me.  So stick with it and be happy in the knowledge that divine intelligence is in you and working with you to become more of what we need to be when we shed our old selves!

                                                    Salvador Dali ignores sad donkey head.
                                                       Will you, or even can you see them?

Good day you all. We are all one in Christ. There are no accidents as each and every action/thought/word, has its opposite and its producing factors.   



Thanks to Asha and all that are here now, we can be at a place, and this website is so much part of this, where here you are not judged, but are loved and if need be we are forgiven. All this though is conditional on us doing unto others as we would have done unto us! We can do this though. Oh yes we can. We do not have to soak in the negative information which those in control of mass media are bombarding the masses with. We do not have to watch television programs where people are always portrayed in a bad light. We are light beings having a temporary human experience and we can choose to be a force of good and love in this world. Countries borders have no great meaning to us. We are from all countries and nations. The greatest of which is imagination. If cannot imagine a reality then it is improbable to come into existence! We can make small sacrifices which may lead to bigger sacrifices and it will all be good at some point in time. I was going to say in the end, but really there is no end to eternity. This is why I look at my existence now like lessons with tests, which are supervised by God to make me capable of eventually being one with God. I cannot be one with God if I am selfish or taking from the needs of others, its just not possible. So I thank Christ that I always have a new chance, not every day, but every moment to be a new person!
Now lets look at the triptych which came about yesterday for us. Its about the three in one and one in three. Its just occurred to me to do another sometime using three colours! 


                                                    These shots below were taken outside
                                                     and the top two were taken moving the
                                                     camera as I had moved the paint in the
                                                     days painting.

                                          Here I have put up a painting in my window and then
                                           took another shot with only have the PEACE showing
                                           making this more abstract.
Well, my brothers and sisters, I must be off shortly to take mother to church. I would have stayed in the hermitage otherwise. So now  have a good day and know that you are loved. Please pass this on.
Your brother Peter.  

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