** The fish of Friday section of this blog. **
So, here we are and I am going to share with you some writing from The Cloud of Unknowing.
Please look at this work without setting limits to your humility. For,
as St Bernard testifies, `Perfect humility sets no limits.`
You set limits to your humility when you will not follow the advice of your spiritual master unless your intellect can see that it ought to be done. So here you can see that I desire mastery over you. So I do, truly, and I intend to have it! I believe that love prompts me to this knowledge or contemplative activity or the level of my life. May God put right what is wrong, for he knows fully, and I only in part.
I ask you first, what is perfection of the human soul, and what are the properties belonging to this perfection? Answering on your behalf. I say that perfection of the human soul is nothing other than a union brought about between it and God in perfect charity. This perfection is so high and pure in its nature, beyond human understanding, that it cannot be known or perceived in itself; but where the properties belonging to it can be truly seen and perceived, there it is likely that its substance abounds, And so, in order to explain why this spiritual exercise is more noble than all others, we need to know what are the properties belonging to perfection.
The properties belonging to perfection, which every perfect soul needs to possess, are virtues. Now, if you will closely examine this work in your soul, and the property and characteristics of each separate virtue, you will find that all virtues are clearly and completely contained within it, without any deflection or corruption of intention. I will not mention any specific virtue here, because that is unnecessary; you have found some mention of them in various other places in my own writings. For the work in question, rightly understood, is the reverent affection and the fruit separated from the tree that I refer to in your little Epistle on Prayer. This is The Cloud of Unknowing; this is that secret thrust of love in purity of spirit; this is the Ark of the Testament. This is Dionysius`s Theology, his wildom and his treasure, his bright darkness and his ignorant knowledge. This is what makes you silent in thought as well as in speech. This makes you prayer very short. By this you are taught to forsake and despise the world. (it goes on in the next chapter to tell us that we are to forsake and despise ourselves!)
So I get most of this, do you? We are not in our present physical form either perfect, or immortal. I am sitting here typing this with eye glasses on. If I take them off all the words become blurred!
I have just this moment tried to download a program so as to type in a slightly blurred typeface, but alas, is beyond my ken. So I shall depart from this endeavor. Time my hearty's to pull up the anchor and sail forth to pictures of my latest painting which you are after God and me, the first to see! Enjoy and please as always pass this on. Together we could establish me as a living artist whose art is sought after! Blessings to you all who help, just by sharing my blog, or printing off pictures and putting them up on your wall, or in a public place. I should like to get a photo of one of you doing this. Especially if its obvious where it is in the photo or in your description. Send any work to the petgkimb@gmail.com The ones that catch my eye or heart i will share on this site! You have my word on this and you can count on it.
Here above you can see I have used the mirror image
technique so we can see the clown at the bottom
It was warm when I took this. Now I have socks and trainers on to go down town!
Saints and angels above.
Just pure imagination
This has been brought to you by God through me with oil pastels, acrylic paint (this reminds me I have ran out of white and other colours. Note to sis, will go buy some today.)
I do hope that you have enjoyed this blog and Know that you are loved. Please pass this on.
May God keep you in His love this day and always. Bro Peter....
Ps. my prayer for today which you are free to use, is; `Please God put right in my life that which you know is wrong and I am unawares. Thank you my Lord for doing this now. Amen.
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