Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Good day and now as I type this it really is Wednesday here in Luton, England, Earth. Or is it!

Good day my brothers and sisters. Well yes I must say that my feet are planted firmly on earth. This said I must admit to having my head up in the clouds at times. Hmm, the cloud of unknowing is where it has been on occasion! For those of you who are not aware of the fact, this is a great book for Christian mystics and others. My mother has just rung me up to remind me that I am taking her to another town today to pick up a mobility scooter. She said she had told me, but I sort of think that even though I have an acquired brain injury, I would have remembered that! Not that it matters, I can laugh over the fact that I know and dont rely on my own memory implicitly, yet my mother who is in her eighties has a very good memory!  You can as my sons. O whats their names. Joke... oh yeah Josh and Harry, say; " Dad how come gran is usually always right and you are wrong?" think maybe once or twice in my life I might have been right and their gran wrong. Whats it really matter.  Maybe when it says in the Bible to honour our Mother and Father, this means even if in reality we are right, then this is overridden by the love for our parents and God!

News just in...

Sign now to demand Obama announce a plan to close Guantanamo, and share this with everyone -- let's build an urgent global call to end this shame.

Obama: Shut Guantanamo Down!
Go to the above site and read the undisputable facts. Surely I am not alone here saying SHAME ON YOU 

Those of you whom like me read the Bible will know the words,  `Jesus wept` Well you may know also from this great Holy book, that I no longer live, yet not I but Christ lives in me. I am really crying as torture is what in my belief God came to earth to suffer on the cross so I can be saved from judgement for wrongs...
I wish China would abolish the death penalty to show that state endorsed killing is wrong and this could maybe lead the way for `the land of the free`... Did you know the biggest growing Christian numbers are in China. Spiritual wealth is beyond material gain and I will take the belt and braces approach here. I know that there are loving God fearing people in America who will with me pray for those who do the work of the Evil one in the name of the higher good, to see the light and change their wicked ways . God is love. For goodness sake, he came to earth from heaven to be born a Jew and be denied by his own people and suffer torture and death to save those of us who can believe in Him.. I know he said there are many rooms in my fathers house and there has been saints like the Buddha who walked like Jesus did, but I wont get into my all embracing views of what Almighty Love is...  Just know that how ever we treat the least of people we are treating Jesus Christ... I pray that you will at the very least go to the link below if it works at count for something good. Especially if like me you come from countries like here in the UK where we abolished the death penalty and signed up the Geneva convention of Human rights. I would say though thinking about it, you may be making a bigger statement if you are in a country that condones torture or has the death penalty.    Please my brothers and sisters 
I am begging you, click on this link below.

I dont mind admitting to you my brothers and sisters I am crying and thinking of the words, Jesus wept, as I thank God I was able to change from a young man who could be violent and dangerous to the spiritual brother I am now. Believe me though the old man is still there and though I am not like the original disciple who cut of a mans ear, there was a time I stabbed, slashed and battered other men. Even when I thought it justified to hurt others like the two times people tried to take my life whilst I lived in the Philippines! 
Today I follow Jesus Christ and all the saints of many faiths in thinking good thoughts, speaking good words and taking good actions. Please my brothers and sisters lets be one on this and say enough torture and killing! Two wrongs dont make a right. I will pray now for all humanity to transcend evil and know real love.  Remember coca cola is NOT the real thing. God is the Love beyond all knowledge and understanding and we do as it is written in the Good Book, reap what we sow!

Lets move on to some sort of art. The point of view we have now is of course different even on the level of height, than that of toddlers and animals. Of course a birds eye view is going to be mostly high up, unless of course its a penguin, in which case it could be beneath sea level!  

                            You may of heard of a birds eye
                            view, well this is loosely based
                            on a dogs eye view. Albeit its not
                            in black and white (someone told
                            me thats how dogs see things.)   
                                          My sister thought this would be a good idea. Did she
                                          think this would inspire me to spring clean this abode!
                                        Yes, I said abode; I havent got a commode. (is that how you spell the toilet thing?

                                          Above I like this view of all the paints. Below the boys
                                          boxing bag from the dogs view and it looks like the dog
                                          didnt hold the camera very steady.  

 Okay and these were taken by me holding the camera. So as it is, an artists outlook on one day in time.

                                                    This is a radio transmitter mast on-top of
                                                     some ones house. Its as if this and the
                                                     bottom pictures came into my awareness
                                                     to get posted on the same page.

                      I am starting to believe that although this is a photo below of a piece of stone floor.
                      It is now apt to work on by those with better computer skills than I to make it
                      an interesting `Peace` of art! Maybe you can have a go and if you like you can
                      even post the result to me at `` come om brothers and
                      sisters. Today most visitors to this website are from China, followed by America
                      in second place and England in 3rd.  I am glad though in a way, even more for
                      the One visitor from Russia and Italy. The two from Turkey and Indonesia.
                      Of course a big thank you to the sixteen from Germany. Really as I have said
                      before, we are all one and so for me is not at all a nationalistic thing, but a
                      geographical one. I very occasionally get a view from Australia, but dont think
                      I ever have from New Zealand. I am starting to ramble and so lets get back to
                      the art.
                                                    So, this is a photo I took of a paint tray
                                                    at the art studio as I liked the colour and
                                                    the lines. Its made a link in my mind with
                                                    the one above with the radio masts.    

                                          The  shot  above the one above of the radio mast was taken whilst the train I was on in was passing through a station without stoppinggg.  

I cant remember the relevance of this picture of my back (now I can its revealed lower down in the blog.)
 other than to say it was done for free by a friend after my
wife left me and I was staying in a friends relatives house
in Hockwell ring in Luton. We came up with the design 
together and its based on the rampant English or British lion
in vaguely union jack colours with ENGLAND across the back!
Not the sort of thing you would usually expect to find on an artist into
mystical spirituality, but I am not your usual sort of individual. In fact I am
not sure what sort of individual I am when I say I am one with God!

 God is good. Do you know the song, `All things bright and beautiful.` There was a beetle `thing` on its back and struggling in vain to right itself. I just may have saved a life today, albeit a bugs life!
Oooh theres a wasp in here now, wheres the fly killing spray.. Joke..
Though I cant go to the extremes that some Jaine people go to. .    Not sure if thats the way to spell it, but they are I think - yet I may be wrong - a sect of Hindus that go to extremes not to kill sentient beings. Some wear face masks so as to not breath in and kill tiny insects. Does this mean they cannot drive a car as the windscreens can be exterminators to insects! I dont know and I wont go into it any more at this time.

                                          Can an insect be unhappy struggling on its back?
                                          Not now at any rate. Artist saves the day for this insect.
                                           Blooming heck, now I am going to have to be careful
                                          driving to my mums in half an hour. Saying that I had better put some socks and a shirt on and have a cup of coffee.

 What makes this below, art for me is the fact that although the advertising hording has been mostly re-leaved of advertising, the is some colour and shape that with those few letters is quite abstract and then what makes it interesting to me is the post. Though it wouldnt work for me without the red on the post. I dont like coca cola and think its overpriced! I shall explain why I said that.  Red is a colour well used in advertising as human eyes are very attracted to it. Not bulls, as many believe. This is perhaps why a record some years ago would NOT have been such a hit if it was. `Lady in green.` See what I mean!`  I now am inclined to rhyme and would like to be with a red head!
 Hey, thats just a bit of artistic licence. So dont, any of you wonderful ladies out there with blonde hair, black or grey. For that matter no hair too. Dont think I wouldnt enjoy dancing with you cheek to cheek. Not at this moment as I havent had a bath yet and am sitting here typing this in the buff. Oh apart from the colours of the tatoos. Although the `ENGLAND` across my back has some colour in!  Hang on. There is a fellow working outside on this building and so I shall ask him to take a photo to show you..

                                          I took this picture which is a bit like a flag with the pole
                                          standing there infront of it.  What makes it for me is the red stripe. It would not
                                          been worth taking it without that. Not that I put it there. Or did I!

         Here I am at what may at first sight look like a random shooting. Take note any maniacs and be nice. Do random shootings with a camera and not automatic rifles. I no this applies mostly to America. Hey its people with Guns that kill people more than guns without people. If you click on the above photo you should see it bigger and my reflection in the the glass. Some of you will know that I like reflections and not just of myself. Although if you look carefully, you will see my reflection is what I was shooting here and not the back of one of my sisters.
Their is no gun shops in this town of around 200,000 people. Thats not to say there are not any illegal firearms, but they are usually a handgun or shotgun. Yep, they can be plural, hmm or even rural. I am starting to wander now and so shall get back to my art. 

Heres a photo of a painting I did yesterday at the studio in London.

I am calling this, `Art can save lives and people can kill lot of different beings with guns.`

                                                    These are photos I took at the studio yesterday
                                                    of a paint tray. I liked the lines and colours!

                           O yes just to say I know there are the odd grammatical mistakes and I am not always able to correct them all and so I ask your indulgence, for you to correct them in your mind. Thanks.
Also, oops I wrote about these earlier. Hey be careful out there. I got brain damage but its not catching and I am here to say to you, that I am achieving more and am less selfish now than I was pre-headinjury.
So there are excuses if you dont have a disability why you are
not able to do some of the thinks that I can, like forgive people when they stab you. Okay I didnt let the guy do it again. Infact I punched him hard and knocked him flying. In my defense I was in the Philippines and out drinking with a couple of filipino buddies and not here in the hermitage sober and praying! Okay, got to fly. ttfn you brother Peter.    

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