Sunday, 12 May 2013

Sunday and we have all we need, yet we dont need all we have. God bless one and all.

Good day my brothers and sisters. Both those who live in Christ and also those yet to realise that we are one. A person does not have to any belief in an historical figure called Jesus to come to the realization that we are One! Many of you who visit my site here know that what many hold onto as truth, is in fact illusion and delusion. Love, as a word is so over used that its reality is hidden from most beings. Thinking is often the destroyer of love in action.
For me the reality of what is the living God is this love in action. Christ consciousness is a way to understand the oneness with which to overcome duality.
Today I have to not only think of you my brothers and sisters - who I am glad visit my blogs and can perhaps say to yourselves, `If living in the way of Jesus can transform a guy who received a brain injury when his wife killed herself into a selfless spiritual being who wants to share his art and life with others(thats me!) , then what can it do for me?(thats you!)`, I say you should let go of any limiting expectations and be open to all things. For nothing is impossible to them that believe!
Here are photos taken today and yesterday of two of our  sisters who became camera shy and our latest abstract painting. I will say, and this is not just in response to my sons art teacher who told him he had seen my site and its okay, but he likes art in which you can see people and objects etc, lets not obstruct our imagination with such notions.  

So, here are two of our sisters saying I love to look at your paintings, but I dont want to look at your camera

                                                    Here is our sister Liz obstructing a view
                                                    of one of my paintings with a crocadile!
                                                    Here is our sister Viv upon whose head
                                                    I placed my beloved late wifes, soft toy.

                                                      Both together now.
                                           Above they could be coming out from my imaginary
                                           trial on the centre court at wimbledon. They know I
                                           cant play tennis. Anyone for Dennis! Margaret! Yeah, I know thats obscure, but I am not going to explain it. Or am I? Nope.
                                           And again to the worldwide audience. No need to be embarrassed.
                                          Above we have the women's synchronized standing in
                                          a weird posture. Here represented by two unnamed sisters.
                                                     Oh and you can see two of my large paintings!

                                          Here is yours truly with my hooded thirteen year old.

                                                    I could call myself an artist and yet do
                                                    no art, but then I would not be realized!
                                                    I do occasionally wonder if one of you
                                                    looking at this could be my Yoko Ono
                                                    & me, your John Lennon. Hey there, if
                                                    this ends up the case god dont let me get
                                                    shot by a demented American! O, yes if
                                                    You are the woman who thinks we could
                                                     start by sitting in silence at a river watching
                                                     the water go by, then just let me know
                                                     at    I know I throw
                                                     this request out every few month, just
                                                     incase one of you who feels quite complete
                                                     dares to desire more. I say go for it. But you
                                                      better hurry before this is removed by sons,
                                                      sisters, or even Me! Yeah I can embarrass
                                                      even myself at times! Dont let too much time
                                                      go past before you realize your true desire
                                                      send me an email today.  I will enjoy seeing
                                                      what you look like today and you can even
                                                      pose as my sisters did. Yeah that would add
                                                      some intrigue for me. Maybe thats not the
                                                      right word, but its not words thats uppermost
                                                      in my attention at this present. Its you! Oh and
                                                      God of course, but cant we all be one!  
                                                  Lets become centered and look at  a painting done for you, but I have to admit, although I like it, I dont think its as good as the one I am probably putting on tomorrow.
 These is another thing I want to share with you. Although I thank my second & ex-wife for her greater part in bringing our two sons into existence, we both got more personal satisfaction from our previous marriages, which ended in the loss of our partners. I have faith that even if it isnt one of you reading this, then the woman in whose life will be able to look back and say thank God I went with my heart and contacted Peter, its like this relationship is me, Peter and God all together. Wow.
You see I can pray, God if there is a woman whose life you know I can enrich let your Holy Spirit bring us together; but its no good if you just think to yourself, `Peter might be whats missing in this wonderful life`, then dont let me know. For goodness sake girl, its no good asking those close to you, as they dont know you like God does. If I asked some (not all.) in my family, and especially my two sons, if its a good idea for me to love any one women in the whole wide world, exclusively and intimately, then the answer would be no. Am I doing them injustice? They love me, but dont know me as God knows me. Thats why I can end this little bit, not with a plea to you, but a prayer to God.... Done.  Or is it. What do you think. Hey this is open to everyone. Maybe its not about what you think, as we often think too much for our own good and the good of others. We ought to spend more time in a state of meditation which is by its very nature, without thought!          

                                  I leave you my brothers and sisters with this last shot of which for me the two most significant aspects are my infinity signature and the reddish orange spot on the yellow. Lets brothers and sisters let go of any negative thoughts and feelings from yesterday, or before and enjoy this wonderful day. Blessings and love to you and all beings. Pass these one and you will be doing well.  One last thing. You would no if you are meant to spend time with me, even platonic-ally, if you would enjoy looking full on and shouting yes when I say, can I take a photo of you! bfn Peter G Kimble      

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