Thursday 23 May 2013

A awoke at six am to centre myself in loveing awareness. Sitting here at the computer I look down and woops, the carpet needs vacuuming. Back to do this blog after that!

What is this about prisoners. Well its not me actually writing from my own point of view, but its as Christ in me wants all His people to be free and for those who are not yet awakened to the Truth  to see the light!
Good day my brothers and sisters. This morning I am taking my mother to church for our Eucharist service in the Lady chapel, or sometimes its downstairs in the vestry! Mum who will be quite happy now she has paid for a mobility scooter and it will be delivered in the next week or so. This will give her so much more independence.

Well, since I typed the above O wow, I had to take my mother to a whole different town where she picked up some stuff from her sisters house who died. Then the cousin took us out to eat at a pub restaurant by the Grand Union canal.. So I had better look for some paintings to share with you, as numbscull that I was, I didnt think to take the camera and get some lovely pictures!

This is called MY People Set The Prisoners Free.  We may realize that we ourselves are prisoners in so many ways. We are working to undo the bonds.. Got to go and pick up my two sons from their mums house and take them to their boxing club.. Will hopefully do a more spiritual blog tomorrow. I thank you everyone from  so many different countries visiting me here. Bless you and know that you are loved. Peter G Kimble.  Ps.tomorrows blog with have a tryptic on it called, `Emotion in action`!! 

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